Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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The drafts of the Charter of the territory and the network status Committees

16 and October 17 will be discussed - along with the committees , associations, groups that participated in the mobilization against the PTRC Veneto - di come portare avanti questa battaglia comune, in che modi e forme, e verso quali obiettivi. Sottoponiamo a tutti coloro che vorranno prendere parte alla discussione due documenti provvisori, due bozze da integrare, modificare e quant'altro:
- Qui trovate la bozza di una “Carta dei diritti del territorio che mettiamo a disposizione come possibile piattaforma comune.
- Qui si scarica la bozza dello statuto per una “ Rete dei comitati e delle associazioni per la difesa del territorio e dell’ambiente del Veneto”

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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workshop "Solar Veneto. Old and new energies "

Saturday, October 17, from 10.00 to 13.00

Veneto we want is an area consisting of urban settlements designed and recovered produce less waste, have less mechanical circulation, consume less land, reduce water consumption and above all more energy efficient.

This area must be the result of administrative decisions shared and developed through the participation of citizens.
E 'must start with a comparison with good administrative practice today starting from the existing energy efficiency created by the development of renewable energy model city descending, sober, able to implement a production model, residential and logistics improve the environment.
live well while consuming less natural resources and redistributing equally, that we want the Veneto.

Coordinator: Hermes Drigo []
10 hours Sabbadin David Lega Ambiente
In recent years, several local structures of environmental association and other associations have given rise to groups purchase solar, sometimes connected to or in synergy with the most famous buying groups in solidarity: these are different experiences with each other, united by the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing together citizens, on the demand side, to get prices and better services. For its part
Legambiente nationally is trying to systematize through the campaign "Energy City" by promoting public information on energy saving and renewable energy through the instrument of the doors. The doors then
promote the meeting of demand and supply of solar power plants through the instrument of the buying group calendar, an innovative and democratic facilitate access to the solar market by households.
the solar gas is born to eliminate some of the barriers to market access that citizens encounter: cognitive, commercial, cultural, economic and bureaucratic.
Objectives: The
solar gas is to seek above all quality systems at a fair price. Usually we get, if the volumes of installation are significant discounts that can range from 10 to 25% on the market price of the technologies and services related to the world of solar energy at home.
although there are differences between the experiences so far, usually the main feature of solar gas is to offer turnkey operations that include all the administrative and bureaucratic products and services to make a solar system up and running on the roof of a family, and leave the decision-making in the hands of citizens, meeting in the gas. The choice of companies is on the open market, usually with an eye for local businesses, and is done by the people, who are also the only ones to sign contracts for the purchase and appear as economic and legal in this case.

11 hours Carlo Costantini
delegation and coordination of the committees of bassoveneziano prov. Rovigo that are fighting for years against what is now officially the region also defines "pole regional power ": from Porto Levante LNG terminal (the world's largest offshore), the magacentrale of Porto Tolle (coal conversion project, 2000 MW) with two gas turbines of 800 mw each (Loreo (RO), Cona (VE) , a few kml'una dll'altra at Cavan and Adria), dozens of smaller power plants, gas turbine, biomass, composting plants with attached biogas plant, etc.. etc.. ... I remember
Finally, as in the early '80s, the area of \u200b\u200bCavan-Chioggia, back the idea of \u200b\u200bplacing a nuclear power plant here

Hours 15 Mirco Rossi
Brief introduction on the exhaustion of resources, fossil fuels and dell’uranio.
Cenni alle caratteristiche del nucleare e del contributo energetico che può apportare.
Cenni al ruolo potenziale di eolico e fotovoltaico
Sintesi della situazione energetica italiana
Sintesi delle situazione energetica del Veneto.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

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workshop" Good economies by pooling '

Venerdì 16 ottobre, 15.00 - 18.00

Il Veneto che vogliamo si basa su un’altra economia: nel nostro territorio sono già molte le piccole [e grandi] esperienze che stanno gettando i semi di modi diversi di produrre, lavorare, consumare and save. From
currencies, the buying groups and joint solar from fair trade, support of short chain by binding with small local organic producers, the creation of new forms of exchange, the protection of common goods such as water and land.
We meet to share experience and ideas from the different realities of economics and social solidarity in the Veneto during the workshop we would like to deal with some of the "big issues" that concern the altraeconomia, in particular:
  • the relationship with local institutions el'ultilizzo public spaces in our cities,
  • the path to the "right price",
  • decentralized and self-consumption of energy,
... and others to find and discuss issues together.

aim of the meeting, and then create connections between our experiences and start - through these thematic strands - to draw together the Veneto we want, in the style of decline, over the crisis.

Coordinator: Marisa Furlan [AERES Venice]

For subscriptions and information: tel. 348 9312475, .

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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workshop "The park's lagoon"

Saturday, October 17, at 10.00 to 14.00

The presence of the Park in the north lagoon within the town and country planning [PAT] of the City of Venice in the approval process, a step forward in our long struggle to create an area of \u200b\u200benvironmental protection in the lagoon of Venice. ;
E 'are however also clear that many forces that are still transversely to the contrary, for various reasons, the creation of a park in our lagoon. E 'for this reason that we think is important and everyone should end up being
past few months since our first meeting organized by the instance. Lagoon Park for the presentation of the book published by Paper and VAS "The park will be" to discuss several items in a multidisciplinary way, as the book had tried to do, the park's lagoon in the light of this news and therefore To understand how to proceed and arrange in an even more focused, our action.

coordinated the group: Riccardo Bottazzo and Giannandrea Mencin

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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workshop "Who decides on the ground?"

Friday, October 16, 15:30 to 19:30

Who decides on the ground? Strong powers, citizens and public administration
After opening the transparency and participation with the laws introduced 142 and 241 of 1990, followed by the season of the Tangentopoli investigations, since the mid-nineties began a gradual and systematic counter that, in the name of efficiency and faster decision-making, led to the reduction of democratic spaces and control of legality, with a strong recovery of corrupt phenomena due to an increasing intertwining of business and groups often cross-cutting policy areas - in particular for land management - , leading to mismanagement of resources and public goods (reported by the Court of Auditors).
direct election of mayors / chairpersons and grant strong powers, which is corriposta a reduction of powers and composition of the democratic representative bodies (councils), with reduction or elimination of minor parties, elimination of preventive advice and monitoring the legality of acts; comuanli political control of the secretaries and managers (often outside the government), centralization of power and political control over the technical bodies (VTR, VIA-Committees SEA Commissioners for garndi extraordinary works, etc..) outsourcing the responsibilities of public bodies with the proliferation of public corporations and "mixed" (outside of any democratic control of legality and performance: see also accumulated huge deficits Veneto), continued efforts to limit the action of the Court of Auditors; reduction typical offense of "abuse of office" restricting the right of access to instruments, etc..
E 'requires reflection and a new citizens' initiative and the (good) policy on these issues.
Read Costantini Carlo analysis of the "Veneto Region" .

group coordinates the architect Carlo Costantini [contact: arch.c.cost @ lib ]

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workshop "Who is paying for the crisis in the Veneto?

Saturday, 17 October, 10:30 - 13:00

The social costs of the crisis between dismissals and insecurity. The transformation of the productive labor and Veneto. Stories of struggle and solidarity. Migrants in the crisis.
coordinates the group Matteo Gaddi, researcher [contact: ]. Participants: Antonio Zacarias [Fiom of Treviso], Patrizio Tonon [CGIL Veneto], Marcello Albanello [expert training], representatives of some Venetian RSU.

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workshop" The Veneto derailed "

Friday, October 16, from 17:00

Public transport rail delays and disruptions. A region between the last investment in rail transport. I delays in the completion of the metro area. The struggles of organized commuters. The service contract of the Veneto Region.
Nicola Atalmi coordinates the group, the Regional Council of Veneto [contact: ]. Participants: Dario Berti [Committee commuters FHO Bassano], Hilary Simonaggio [FILT CGIL] Michele Bertucco [President Legambiente Veneto], Mario Vio [Assoutenti] Luciano Ferro [Codacons] representatives Committees of commuters, "a station to Cologne Veneta, Railway Association" I Quari " "Castelfranco", "Quarto d'Altino", "Belluno-Treviso-Venezia.

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workshop" Water common good "

Saturday, October 17, at 10.00 to 14.00

For a public and participatory management of water common good against the
new raiders.
The privatization of water service, the assault on esorgenti rivers, the story of the fees for mineral speculation
between multinationals and local committees struggles and movements that are starting to connect

Pierangelo Pettenò coordinates the group, the Regional Council of Veneto
participate in the monthly Altreconomia Luca Martinelli, Valter Bonan Committee Water common good Belluno, Marco Bersani of Attac.

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workshop "Living the territory, experiencing the 'workshop

Friday, October 16, 15:30 to 19:30

housing needs, construction and land consumption in
Veneto 2000s.
The "Home Plan" of the Veneto region: how to limit the impact on the environment? Tools planning and alternative models of transformation and sustainable urban development and land. Urban ecology and green architecture. Green infrastructure, landscape and sustainable mobility. The
role and forms of participation in land use decisions. What disputes open to local and regional scale.

coordinates: Sergio Lironi, architect


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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' households and fears"

Saturday, October 17, 10 - 13.30

aim of the meeting is to exchange experiences, analyze best practices and to identify concrete actions to challenge the prevailing atmosphere leaden.

Fear has become a dominant feature of life in society.
E 'the outcome of a complex strategy and a number of factors - communication more emotional, aggravation of the crime, widespread unrest and social change and territorial fast and difficult to understand - that ultimately made it more life difficult for everyone: for migrants held up by a xenophobic propaganda and pervasive as the cause of all evils and the 'Italian' entrenched in defense against "threats" looming, incomprehensible.
Waving the banner of security has managed to create militarized city and people feel under siege.
Overcoming fears with each other, build solidarity, reverse the order of priorities set by the media?
How can the processes emerging - exclusion, xenophobia, lack of rights, but also organized crime, loss of social life in the area - that ultimately make it worse the lives of each and every one?

Gianni Belloni