Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Do Pigions Sleep At Night

still waste in landfills in the Campania tarantino

Supervisory landfill waste from Campania

still in the dumps tarantino
But who cares, really? We are sure that we send?

As in 2006, 2007, 2008. Campania is still commissioner, the emergency bell comes back on time-waste, and garbage is sent to landfills for special waste tarantino: Ecolevante in Grottaglie, a Virgin Lizzano Italcave in Statte. E 'decision, the tender for the transportation of waste was made.

seems that since 2006 has not changed anything, but if you look well, you notice some variations, as well as two constants that should make us worry and indignation if only we could shake stillness of death which already is taking away life and future our children. The

constants are not the political will to solve the problem of municipal solid waste upstream, with the practice of the recovery, reuse and recycling; obstinacy of the government to send the waste in landfills in Campania of Taranto. Special waste landfills that are already used for emergencies Puglia (Bari Ato Lecce2 and now) and already working on their own at a pace so fast that it required, and easily obtained, and extensions to 9 million cubic meters in 2009 alone.

and variations of this movie have already seen, are no less serious. One is formed by the recent alarm-waste in Puglia, Bari already taken in the south and in the same town, and the concomitant refusal of the City of Conversano comforted by the recent ruling by the TAR of Bari, to accept yet another expansion of the landfill within its territory (Lombardi Ecology) to meet the emergencies of Bari.

The other variation consists of some circumstances which, beyond the apparent and immediate reassurance, should disturb our sleep and especially those who minister to us. The Neapolitan Cite
consortium (Consortium interprovincial transport eco-environmental), which won the contract from 8 million € promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Civil Defence for disposal in landfill of waste tarantino emergency bell of 2008, reassured that this is of stabilized soil for two years, practically odorless, non-hazardous and has no major environmental impact.

But on March 4 last year the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, closing the open in July 2008, condemned Italy for "The Italian Republic, having failed, for the region, Campania, all necessary measures to ensure that waste is recovered or disposed of without endangering human health and without harming the environment and, in particular, by failing to create an integrated and adequate network of disposal installations, has failed to fulfill its obligations under Articles. 4 and 5 of the Directive of the European Parliament and Council April 5, 2006, 2006/12/EC on waste. " So: how, where and when these were treated waste from Campania, which date back precisely to the emergency of 2007 and 2008?

again. In June 2008 and February 2010 were discovered radioactive waste in loads of municipal waste for incineration or landfill in store. The facts reported by English newspaper El Pais and La Repubblica, Naples, have occurred in Hamburg, Germany, and Chiaiano, the metropolitan park in the hills of Naples, home to a landfill for municipal waste called "Cupa dogs" inaugurated last year.

Germany found levels of radioactivity higher than allowed in the garbage already stabilized sent from Naples and designed incinerator in Hamburg. For residues of iodine-131, used in some therapies for bone and thyroid cancer. And the German Environment Ministry has demanded that the Italian authorities to guarantee in writing that they will control the radioactivity before shipment. And Bertolaso, the special commissioner for Naples, has ensured that a special team of firefighters will monitor the waste at source.

a Chiaia, three times in six months, from August 2009 to February 2010, were stopped by compacting radioactive cargo going to come in here, or even inside it. This is all the waste Hospital of iodine-131 irradiated with mixed waste. To reveal the presence of radioactive waste have been a police report, an inspection dell'Nbcr (special squad of firefighters Nuclear, biological, chemical, radioactive) which confirmed the levels of radioactivity, and an accompanying note.

E 'evident in Hamburg, reliability and consistency checks as well as the immediacy and severity of the intervention with the Italian authorities, in Chiaiano, in addition to the constant surveillance of the local committee, was instrumental activities of a prosecutor Aldo De Chiara, who coordinates the "Environment and Territory," the Prosecutor's Office, and follows the person "Iodine 131 Case." And us?

Vendola, president of the Puglia region, a rapid and I hope (for him) incomplete examination of local newspapers, has issued any statement until 2006, while in 2007 and 2008, spoke on his behalf the former environment commissioner know the former vice president Frisullo. On the occasion of the emergency bell, its silence has echoed the statement of the new environment commissioner Nicastro, who candidly said to be "unprepared at this time" and that he had "interlocutors on the subject with the governor" .

by the Province of Taranto no sign of attention to the problem. And prosecutors added that coordinate specific sections for the environment and territory, not even talking about it.

And the mayors and local administrators? From my perhaps incomplete documentation, there were views expressed in Statte and Grottaglie, not yet in S. Marzano, and Monteiasi Carosino. While the synergy shown recently by the mayors of Monteparano, Fragagnano, Lizzie and Faggiano to form a common front to the discomfort caused by the presence of the landfill Virgin, bodes well in their position for the arrival of the waste from Campania.

But not just a generic rejection, followed by passivity and resignation, as happened in previous emergency bells. Should the government do its lesson in Hamburg and Chiaiano, certifications ask about the source is stable and non-hazardous / non-radioactivity, and require, perhaps implement their own controls upon arrival of the waste from Campania. Mayors is responsible for protecting the health of their fellow citizens!

Meanwhile, with regard to the committees, the vigil for the landfill will agree to a short meeting with all committees active in the area to go into that and decide together what to do.
Etta Ragusa
Coordinator Supervisory
Grottaglie landfill, 19.10.2010
References: 3687492108

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Numbness On Outer Knees

journalist Gianni Lannes returned to Grottaglie-waste and health : St. Raphael the deal

invitato da Rinascita Civica, Vigiliamo per la discarica, Casa per la pace

Il giornalista Gianni Lannes ritorna a Grottaglie
Rifiuti e sanità: l'affare san Raffaele

La denuncia: Il san Raffaele di Milano prima inquina, poi fa affari sui tumori

" Le logiche di chi mette in pericolo salute e ambiente nella provincia jonica sono le stesse di chi vuole realizzare affari e speculare su sanità ed ecologia ": così la prof.ssa Etta Ragusa, da sette anni coordinatrice del Comitato "Vigiliamo per la discarica" di Grottaglie ed ispiratrice di "Rinascita civica", ha introdotto ieri, 8 ottobre, nell'auditorium, packed, the Castle, the meeting: "Waste and health: the deal San Raffaele". Rapporteur, the journalist Gianni Lannes, familiar presence to many citizens, from across the province, attended the three-hour meeting with discussion on interaction between speculative interests and construction of a private hospital in the city of Taranto Don Verzè.

An event that places a further step in the path of "vigilant" study, report, willingness to give up the quiet life, to put the skills to serve the common good. A meeting of political, with a capital P, who does not talk tough, but that coagulates the people because it focuses on the discussion of issues that affect everyone regardless of deployment. Opportunity to reiterate the solidarity group "Enable Lizzie", whose headquarters has recently been breached twice in a few hours yet another act of intimidation against those who raised his head to watch over a landfill for hazardous waste - that "stinks ".

" We have evidence that the foundation of the San Raffaele Monte Tabor in Milan moved hazardous waste in this province," said Lannes. Behind her, like a damned circle of hell, photos of the thousands of abandoned drums for decades within a few kilometers from the city of Taranto. The foundation, in the imagination of Taranto, bring excellence in cancer research in an area with an average of 40,000 cancer patients a year, is the same as that produced radioactive waste disposed of in our province by Smarin spa A strange plot that has the flavor of a conflict of interest . Protagonist, the Milanese Giuseppe Grossi, the board of directors and owner of the San Raffaele Smarin spa, a company which ceased trading in June, a month after the establishment in Taranto, in front of a notary of the "Fondazione San Raffaele Mediterranean ".

With a "small" advance of public money, 120 million euro, therefore, a "for-profit foundation" - as he recalled the Lannes himself - "sets the tone" to the project of building a private hospital in the capital of the Ionian and declares the death of public health throughout the province. Behind this, a cross array of interests, it does not seek the causes of pollution, but it plans palliative downstream. And 'the logic of the plot between politics and powers, nurtured by distrust in the ability to reverse course and misinformation that generates erroneous opinions in public.

Lannes were echoed in the screening of these interventions, the best representatives of civil society, " twenty years ahead of the politicians, but also that opposition to the square that manifests itself only against someone who thinks even for a maximum ideological systems "in the vibrant words of Professor Ragusa" and who escapes the time of hostilities must end, because politics is to solve problems for the good of all .

Among the numerous, significant that the complaint of the lawyer Patrick Rogers has called "holocaust", what will happen to the neighborhood drums following the cancellation, in ten minutes last summer, the obligation to limit benzoapirene in 'Air (DL 155). Just heard the testimony of an operator of health, who denounced a system in which patients, for politics, sono "numeri", nel pubblico si è costretti a lavorare sotto organico e a pagare i debiti delle strutture private.

A nome del comitato Salute pubblica di Taranto ha parlato un suo rappresentante comunicando che nel capoluogo provinciale sono attivi per far emergere la verità sull' "affare" s. Raffaele e sul grave rischio che sia azzerata la sanità pubblica. Altri interventi e presenze significative quelli dei rappresentanti dei comitato tarantini Malattie da inquinamento, Fondo antidiossina e Stellaciao, della sezione provinciale di Cittadinanza Attiva, del comitato AttivaLizzano.
I presenti hanno, dunque, ribadito che le indagini coraggiose di Lannes saranno supportate dalla gente attraverso presenze brigade in the area. "The change starts from ourselves, as Gandhi taught us. So, on the head" in the closing words of Lannes, the commitment for all guards to be alert and courageous in the construction of the common good, the objective of the policy. (LR)