on a crumbling wall of the Roman street in the historic center of our city, it says: "WL'Italia. |
The time consumption of the tuffs, the plaster is almost eaten away by weather and neglect. But years later, we read, miraculously, the writing. Every time I step away from the Roman, I can not help but stop to read it, trying to imagine the hand of grottagliese that, with the red paint of the Passion, wrote their own national anthem. I have often heard the desire to photograph, so that when it is completely erased, and it retains, by me and those who come after me. Today, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, I hope my fellow citizens, overcoming mistrust, indifference and ideological barriers, contribute actively "Renaissance civic Grottaglie, anchored to its past and preserving the signs, including material with pride, because, as he said Indro Montanelli, "a country that has its own yesterday, can not have a tomorrow." Loredana Russo