" The problem is the word ethics. Not to mention Ethics of Revolution. What until recently was an obsolete word, considered a hypocrite, even a taboo ', today became the flag of those who want, stubbornly, to make a difference. Certainly we live in a time when the individual is responding to the sacred right to react to the hole created in the calendar of endurance limit, where even a dog barking continually at being deprived of a livable area or even a blind man asking for help while trying to make it on just walk around the city .
coimplica But the word ethics, ethics that there is, the word rationality, without which civilized behavior, respect for the community, conscientious, you can not 'be. That contradicts himself with the ease that the same individual has in labeling others through symbols, colors, trends, characteristics. But this is also part of the human need to categorize, identify and identify with something. More 'than human may be just an animal instinct. The dog sniffs the enemy ol'amico, is something instinctive that allows him to have or not to be afraid, to defend or attack.
And this happens in a split second, or trafficking in persons, in a few hours. Unfortunately if you do not like this, the individual is lost, not know where to hold the individual needs of the label: "what is left, that's right, that's gay, that is of easy virtue, that's stupid, that's radical-chic, gauche-caviar, what is a lick, that is subservient, that's a fascist, a communist one, which he has the deaf, that's a poor man, that's a hypocrite, that is with them, that is a fool or a pig .. etc Old words without even fantasy. In a moment of the election campaign then, the "adjectives" are wasted .
And this happens in a split second, or trafficking in persons, in a few hours. Unfortunately if you do not like this, the individual is lost, not know where to hold the individual needs of the label: "what is left, that's right, that's gay, that is of easy virtue, that's stupid, that's radical-chic, gauche-caviar, what is a lick, that is subservient, that's a fascist, a communist one, which he has the deaf, that's a poor man, that's a hypocrite, that is with them, that is a fool or a pig .. etc Old words without even fantasy. In a moment of the election campaign then, the "adjectives" are wasted .
And who feels the victim of these catalogs, which often è addebitabile a supposizioni non provate o a personali problemi, ricade nell’errore della catalogazione. Si potrebbe istituire presso l’ufficio anagrafe una sorta di archivio a premi per chi colleziona piu’ aggettivi o piu’ insulti. Possiamo dedurre quindi quanto sia difficile parlare di Etica, perché forse etico è divenuto l’aggettivo degli aggettivi, la parola che supera per buon senso tutti gli epiteti e gli appellativi.
Chi puo’ usare questa parola? Difficile dirlo, ma andando per esclusione, non certo chi è vittima di impulsi, ricollegandosi al concetto di razionalità fondamentale, che lo portano a insultare, catalogare ed etichettare il prossimo, so many of us who do it because it's like I said it's human instinct or primitive. I get angry but only 'when the victims of this ugly human attitude are young people, who have already inherited a city ill, let alone an entire nation. It angers me deeply to see how bad this instinct to label parts from so-called "adult" who should teach lucid, calm, wisdom, that they will become a locomotive of revolution.
And since the game like the stamp at all, as to brand cows, call the so-called taggers during the election campaign, or better Ethic Rebel-chic-chic! And laughs, not to cry, because this lesson I learned from you own "adult", which, at this point, besides the beautiful values \u200b\u200b"ethically" good and correct, I have also taught to discriminate .
Chi puo’ usare questa parola? Difficile dirlo, ma andando per esclusione, non certo chi è vittima di impulsi, ricollegandosi al concetto di razionalità fondamentale, che lo portano a insultare, catalogare ed etichettare il prossimo, so many of us who do it because it's like I said it's human instinct or primitive. I get angry but only 'when the victims of this ugly human attitude are young people, who have already inherited a city ill, let alone an entire nation. It angers me deeply to see how bad this instinct to label parts from so-called "adult" who should teach lucid, calm, wisdom, that they will become a locomotive of revolution.
And since the game like the stamp at all, as to brand cows, call the so-called taggers during the election campaign, or better Ethic Rebel-chic-chic! And laughs, not to cry, because this lesson I learned from you own "adult", which, at this point, besides the beautiful values \u200b\u200b"ethically" good and correct, I have also taught to discriminate .
To my misfortune I was never a hypocrite, I would have more 'friends, nor, unfortunately, are endowed with political jargon that would allow me more' expressive effect, but if there's one thing I learned is how important it is not to be put your feet on the head by anybody or be insulting. My personal best wishes go to all the youth of the city, young age and young at heart, of any color, shape or symbol, party or party, simply because you want to change this city are to be admired. My personal invitation goes to our beloved wise of the city, to act as such, because we know well to tell who was a father for the city and broke the defense and state who is not at all, making it as it stands now, each will have its own adjective. But it 's the case to suspend the reviews maybe.
Grottaglie is Filotette: Sophocles has clearly told the story of the archer-man abandoned for ten years on the island of Lemnos by his supposed friends, for having been bitten by a viper, its foul odor, and he wound screamed in pain. Not to listen more, 'leave him to die alone. Together they were going to conquer Troy. Philoctetes survived, crawled out of his cave only to find some pool of water, feeling a pain in his foot injury infested with worms that no one can 'alleviate suffering worse than dogs skinned in the sun, until a young Neoptolemus, will come to save, although instigated by Ulysses to betray him for his invincible bow, and bring with him "to the native soil of the nymphs maliache, where the hero armed with bronze, shining of the divine fire, reaches all the gods, as well as the peaks of 'Age. "(the chorus of sailors around the third song in the air trans. Cerri) .
Grottaglie is Filotette: Sophocles has clearly told the story of the archer-man abandoned for ten years on the island of Lemnos by his supposed friends, for having been bitten by a viper, its foul odor, and he wound screamed in pain. Not to listen more, 'leave him to die alone. Together they were going to conquer Troy. Philoctetes survived, crawled out of his cave only to find some pool of water, feeling a pain in his foot injury infested with worms that no one can 'alleviate suffering worse than dogs skinned in the sun, until a young Neoptolemus, will come to save, although instigated by Ulysses to betray him for his invincible bow, and bring with him "to the native soil of the nymphs maliache, where the hero armed with bronze, shining of the divine fire, reaches all the gods, as well as the peaks of 'Age. "(the chorus of sailors around the third song in the air trans. Cerri) .
The tragic chorus transforms man into a hero and save the man is a friend. The tragedy of 409 BC and is the tragedy of abandonment and filia, not in the Aristotelian sense but in what filia take between the fourth and third centuries BC, that is friendship. We are in 2011, human behavior has not changed, hopefully not even change the endings of those old stories.
Grottaglie, you have many friends. Do you have your name in the cave, the mother, acceptance, protection, home. I hope to be able to remain a part, but depends on who will be the custodian, not to go dovermene again. "
Grottaglie, you have many friends. Do you have your name in the cave, the mother, acceptance, protection, home. I hope to be able to remain a part, but depends on who will be the custodian, not to go dovermene again. "
Valerio Tambone
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