Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sunfish Sailboat Length
I plan to publish a book in which tell the stories of love, passion and the stories of your stories.
Anyone can write and talk about what he wants to make something up or real names (not surnames).
At the time of publication will tell you the name of the book and if you want to insert your name in the book itself.
improvised you too writers, I will be happy to tell the story
send me via email because the number of characters is limited
Monday, October 12, 2009
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In Veneto there are also children want: Saturday, October 17, during assembly, Arci Ragazzi di Vicenza organizes a workshop with recycled materials for children: from 15 to 18, Forte Marghera.
For organizational matters, it is useful warning to its presence. To do so, write to
Friday, October 9, 2009
Level E Vocab Answers Review 4-6
Mestre eight places
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Calories In A Piece Of Toblerone
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Maytag Quiet Series 400 Filter
hours Friday, October 16 16-23 / / Saturday, October 17 14.30 - 20 and 22-24
The old gunpowder Forte Marghera host for two days of the Veneto that we want a real cinema, an exhibition of documentary films, videos, works professional and amateur, self-produced or endorsed by established documentary filmmakers.
Complete program you can download the pdf version here .
Exhibition curated by Marina Resta and Giulio Todescan
[ - giulio.todescan @]
Monday, October 5, 2009
Carmella Bing Galleries
Friday from 15.30 to 18.30 - Seminar: "Good savings to be shared"
18.30 - aromatic flower bed creation
18.30 to 20.30 - video projection, reference texts and free chat about gardens and around
Saturday 10.00 to 13.00 - Laboratories of self:
- Detergents
- solar oven
- balcony composter
For the two days:
distribution and exchange seeds
purchase (supply) of vegetables and wines lagoon
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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16 and October 17 will be discussed - along with the committees , associations, groups that participated in the mobilization against the PTRC Veneto - di come portare avanti questa battaglia comune, in che modi e forme, e verso quali obiettivi. Sottoponiamo a tutti coloro che vorranno prendere parte alla discussione due documenti provvisori, due bozze da integrare, modificare e quant'altro:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Verchual Worlds For Tweens
Saturday, October 17, from 10.00 to 13.00
This area must be the result of administrative decisions shared and developed through the participation of citizens.
Coordinator: Hermes Drigo []
In recent years, several local structures of environmental association and other associations have given rise to groups purchase solar, sometimes connected to or in synergy with the most famous buying groups in solidarity: these are different experiences with each other, united by the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing together citizens, on the demand side, to get prices and better services. For its part
Legambiente nationally is trying to systematize through the campaign "Energy City" by promoting public information on energy saving and renewable energy through the instrument of the doors. The doors then
promote the meeting of demand and supply of solar power plants through the instrument of the buying group calendar, an innovative and democratic facilitate access to the solar market by households.
the solar gas is born to eliminate some of the barriers to market access that citizens encounter: cognitive, commercial, cultural, economic and bureaucratic.
Objectives: The
solar gas is to seek above all quality systems at a fair price. Usually we get, if the volumes of installation are significant discounts that can range from 10 to 25% on the market price of the technologies and services related to the world of solar energy at home.
although there are differences between the experiences so far, usually the main feature of solar gas is to offer turnkey operations that include all the administrative and bureaucratic products and services to make a solar system up and running on the roof of a family, and leave the decision-making in the hands of citizens, meeting in the gas. The choice of companies is on the open market, usually with an eye for local businesses, and is done by the people, who are also the only ones to sign contracts for the purchase and appear as economic and legal in this case.
11 hours Carlo Costantini
delegation and coordination of the committees of bassoveneziano prov. Rovigo that are fighting for years against what is now officially the region also defines "pole regional power ": from Porto Levante LNG terminal (the world's largest offshore), the magacentrale of Porto Tolle (coal conversion project, 2000 MW) with two gas turbines of 800 mw each (Loreo (RO), Cona (VE) , a few kml'una dll'altra at Cavan and Adria), dozens of smaller power plants, gas turbine, biomass, composting plants with attached biogas plant, etc.. etc.. ... I remember
Finally, as in the early '80s, the area of \u200b\u200bCavan-Chioggia, back the idea of \u200b\u200bplacing a nuclear power plant here
Hours 15 Mirco Rossi
Brief introduction on the exhaustion of resources, fossil fuels and dell’uranio.
Cenni alle caratteristiche del nucleare e del contributo energetico che può apportare.
Cenni al ruolo potenziale di eolico e fotovoltaico
Sintesi della situazione energetica italiana
Sintesi delle situazione energetica del Veneto.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
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currencies, the buying groups and joint solar from fair trade, support of short chain by binding with small local organic producers, the creation of new forms of exchange, the protection of common goods such as water and land.
- the relationship with local institutions el'ultilizzo public spaces in our cities,
- the path to the "right price",
- decentralized and self-consumption of energy,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
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E 'are however also clear that many forces that are still transversely to the contrary, for various reasons, the creation of a park in our lagoon. E 'for this reason that we think is important and everyone should end up being
past few months since our first meeting organized by the instance. Lagoon Park for the presentation of the book published by Paper and VAS "The park will be" to discuss several items in a multidisciplinary way, as the book had tried to do, the park's lagoon in the light of this news and therefore To understand how to proceed and arrange in an even more focused, our action.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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Friday, October 16, 15:30 to 19:30
Who decides on the ground? Strong powers, citizens and public administration
After opening the transparency and participation with the laws introduced 142 and 241 of 1990, followed by the season of the Tangentopoli investigations, since the mid-nineties began a gradual and systematic counter that, in the name of efficiency and faster decision-making, led to the reduction of democratic spaces and control of legality, with a strong recovery of corrupt phenomena due to an increasing intertwining of business and groups often cross-cutting policy areas - in particular for land management - , leading to mismanagement of resources and public goods (reported by the Court of Auditors).
group coordinates the architect Carlo Costantini [contact: arch.c.cost @ lib
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Saturday, 17 October, 10:30 - 13:00
How The International Colour Chart Works
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For a public and participatory management of water common good against the
between multinationals and local committees struggles and movements that are starting to connect
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coordinates: Sergio Lironi, architect
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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aim of the meeting is to exchange experiences, analyze best practices and to identify concrete actions to challenge the prevailing atmosphere leaden.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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today off Michael Jackson, a legend of pop music, but especially a man who has dedicated his life to children, to stay with them and devote all his wealth.
How many negative rumors about him, people are quick to point fingers, just ready to criticize. Human wickedness has no end and has a price
has been accused of racism because of surgery to clear his skin, but has omitted the fact that he was suffering from a disease that clears the skin in patches and dark skin you see all right .... he could not choose to stay with his natural color has decided to open the white skin. was also forced to do so, we will have some well earned, but his money went to give a smile to children in need.
Then the accusation of harassment towards a minor, but this is never possible to think of his villa in a man who had created a mega amusement park free of charge, where you did not pay anything even sandwiches or cotton candy, so a person can never molest a child? the child's family wanted to extort as much money, but was acquitted.
I do not really know how things would have gone several ways:
1) give a damn about him
2) think he was a pedophile
3) suggests that instead it was a wonderful person
between the three I choose the one that makes me feel better namely that of thinking that he was an angel.
some voices questioning his death, but any I think the truth will live forever with your music, I love you Michael
Friday, May 15, 2009
What To Write For Anniversary Of A Death
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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The earthquake is something that strikes suddenly, without warning, but something could be done to avoid a tragedy of such magnitude. Governments give priority to structural works as the bridge over the strait has exorbitant costs, instead of thinking to secure the buildings and think for once a citizen and not the individual interests of politicians who deceive us for years. We open our eyes
is the only thing that can make life better
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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I think if I get the chance and will fight to ensure that every man has the right to live in dignity.
I think that the abolition of private property is now impossible or impracticable, unnecessary I also believe, as I hope in a world where there are homeless and do not speak as overtly political, but I speak with good sense of who wants to live a decent every human being. Communism is utopian and I also believe that it is very exciting for someone who can do something, do not have anything of yours is not something that excites you, in fact, I believe that private property should be limited because I do not think it is right that there are Men with a hundred houses and men who have not and will not have anything, I think the state should intervene by ensuring that human rights are not violated.
water, light, home and the bread can not be privatized are resources that belong to the good life overall. Now call it communism, call it socialism, fascism or whatever you want, but for me it's just common sense.
Monday, March 23, 2009
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The art has changed through time, various historical periods have been influenced by cultural and ecclesiastical art
I think also a subjective part of the beautiful and ugly, in fact I believe that the art formal (pictured) at the time of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was something special why not there were neither the computer in the photo and then the only way to represent "something" was to paint them as faithfully as possible. Today I think it's outdated technology, it is stupid the fight against hyperrealism photography and did not even think that way.
informal art, for me now is the real innovation, because it is really subjective and difficult to reproduce. if you think there are now many copies of pictures past and are a lot of artists who are able to reproduce the formal art historical periods have passed, and I defy any artist to play the instinctive art of Pollock or Basquiat, those strokes, the amount of color and randomness of those forms are not reproducible.
Giotto : Medioevo_______________ __Leonardo by Vinci : Rinascimento____
Jean-Michel Basquiat . : Arts Moderna__ Ralph Goings : Arts Iperrealista___________
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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What is happening in Italy? "Ad personam" laws, racist laws for immigrants, and a large army in the city prohibition . The mass popular now does not know either orientation, the church is so confused by the Vatican, from television and from what the media says that now has lost its identity. You see workers fight on the side of right, (or alleged), left (or alleged), we find politicians who have nothing to do with this ideology.
What do you think should be done to improve the situation?