Torna anche quest'anno la campagna “La notte dei Rospi” volta alla salvaguardia degli Anfibi e della Biodiversità. La campagna è inserita nelle iniziative di Legambiente per CountDown 2010. Essendo questo l’anno dichiarato dalle Nazioni Unite come “L’Anno Internazionale per la Biodiversità” si propongono, con questa Campagna, azioni concrete di volontariato attivo per proteggere e tutelare gli ambienti naturali e la biodiversità.
“La notte dei Rospi” è la campagna di Legambiente Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta che si pone l’obiettivo di richiamare l’attenzione the preservation and protection of amphibians, with particular attention to the common toad Bufo bufo or during the spring migration at the end of February to March.
The initiative aims to raise awareness and protect habitats and species threatened by human activities, but also wishes to inform to increase knowledge of wet systems. A campaign to promote concrete actions to protect and preserve the natural environment. The Night of the Toads is precisely to limit the carnage that every year decimating amphibian populations. We need teams of volunteers in the evening, when the animals begin their movement, assist them in crossing roads.
With this campaign we propose volunteers to spend a few evenings "different" to save the "toads in love," and together with friends and family often unknown worlds to discover, to experience the region and the relationship with nature in a different way. Few people know that amphibians inhabiting the planet earth from more than 250 million years, but today many of them are at risk of disappearing. For the permeability of their skin are more sensitive to various toxic agents and environmental or climate change. By virtue of this fact, organizations are to be taken as indicators of environmental degradation. The data on the health of amphibian populations could therefore be used to identify vulnerable areas from an environmental perspective.
Info: lanottedeirospi@legambientepiemonte.it
Francesca Galante Tel 011 2215851
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