Sad and long memory of toads between Br and Ca 'del Bosco in Piedmont. The traffic situation between the two cities is so great as to make that small biodiverse creatures are in constant danger. Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta is calling for you to organize a site in the area of \u200b\u200bsaving for these small little toads.
They leave the initiatives of all sites rescue. Eye of the road is wet ... and toads begin our migration to mate. Bufo bufo, toad the head, said: "We have to blame us if we are slower than your bombastic pieces of iron?" - "Let us go and be careful where you put your feet / wheels and if you have some 'good will take the buckets and help us to cross. Biodi but we want to live like you ... cra cra cra "
and Aisone: new recommendations for possible rescue sites
New records arrive at the site of Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Via Thouar, 8! phones and computers are only the means through which pass the reports of citizens. Every day, thanks to our local clubs riuciamo to give answers that are difficult trovrsi elsewhere. These days there are frequent questions about the campaign "The Night of the Toads," numerous reports of possible sites for rescue come with us! We can not be happy! BUT WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS to be in charge PRACTICE TO SAVE toads!
continued to send signals and do not hesitate to ask about the campaign "Night of the Toads" We look forward to ;-)
Back again this year "THE NIGHT OF THE TOAD" LEGAMBIENTE TIME CAMPAIGN TO PROTECT "ROSPA LOVE" 4 SITES IN PIEDMONT RESCUE: CANDIA, Rivarossi, Vistrorio AND VALLEY Baudana Many volunteers Legambiente committed this year to save the toads love the cars each year are decimating populations of Bufo bufo (this is the scientific name of the common toad) during the migration to wetlands that toads do for mating and reproduction. The circles Legambiente are organizing the rescue operation that iniziaranno in the coming days and will last about ten days. Night of the Toads, the Legambiente campaign aimed at the protection of amphibians, is included in initiatives Legambiente dedicated to the Countdown 2010 Biodiversity. Since this year the UN-declared as "International Year for Biodiversity" is proposed through this Campaign, concrete actions of active volunteering to protect and preserve the natural environment and biodiversity. The initiative aims to raise awareness and protect habitats and species threatened by human activities, but also wishes to inform to increase knowledge of wet systems, promoting concrete actions to protect and preserve the natural environment. "The Night of the Toads with the participation of many volunteers involved in rescue operations to limit the massacres that every year decimating amphibian populations - says Vanda Bonardo, President Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta - We need teams of volunteers in the evening, when the animals begin their movement, assist them in crossing roads. With this campaign we offer several volunteers to spend some nights to save the toads in love, and together with friends and family, often unknown worlds to discover, to experience the region and the relationship with nature in a different way. " Few people know that amphibians inhabiting the planet earth from more than 250 million years, but today many of them are at risk of disappearing. For the permeability of their skin are more sensitive to various toxic agents or climatic and environmental change. By virtue of this fact, organizations are to be taken as indicators of environmental degradation. The data on the health of amphibian populations could therefore be used to identify vulnerable areas from an environmental perspective. For children, Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta, in collaboration with the sector protected areas of the Piedmont Region and the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences, has developed specific teaching and educational materials available to all schools in Piedmont, which may require kits at the Association. All interested in "Night of the Toads" can visit the website or real-time updates on Facebook and Twitter by searching for "The Night of the Toads." For more information: Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Via Thouar 8 - Torino Tel 011.2215851 Press Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta: Fabio Dovana 392.9935376
ARIES: This Thursday could be a day of rest but all you seem to put into action with its volervi Venus stimulating the mark. An affirmative answer will receive it today and this is just what you had hoped. Excellent!
TORO: The day promises to be more profitable in the first part, rather than in the evening. You can also get good results from the economic side. The night, though, you have to do it again with some loving skirmish. Perhaps your dear love demands your attention.
GEMINI: Thursday particularly busy in the field of love. Probably it will be some movement of spirit that makes you a little 'possessive. Well, well investigated but is not that you are the violators of something? It happens to be afraid of their own skeletons in the closet!
CANCER: discussions yet possible, perhaps only further questions that are likely to fail, at least in part, to clarify outstanding issues. Just as well, now you have to make clear everything with Venus in Aries, which stimulates the rise in your career. Do not stop for obstacles.
LEONE: Today you may feel a bit 'confused with the Moon appearance in opposition, but fear not because it's just a time of change. Maybe you have to do with some competition that disconcerting. He tries not to talk too loud for your latest projects.
VIRGO: Today you will have to meet certain professional situations. In fact, with Venus in Aries you may want to have improvements in this direction but still difficult to Mercury is not yet the clarity needed to cope with anything. Organization.
LIBRA: There is a sky provocative but stimulating for your existence. So, today you could receive unexpected help from friends of employees. Maybe first fight with a Venus adverse certainly a nice but after you do! Well come on.
SCORPIO: Your love interest seems to still be in its full height. For now, you should try to be less manic, so to speak, regarding your desire to emerge at all costs. Mars and the Moon will now make it difficult intractable. Caution.
SAGITTARIUS: P orterete important to continue the negotiations under way with the right strategies. However, today you will be able to score excellent written contracts. Friendships can help even if only morally, you'll be a good time to trade. Next!
CAPRICORN: This Thursday might feel some discomfort here and there. Today you say no to too much heavy work commitments. Disturbances are seasonal and will be well rest as much as possible. Perhaps the tensions of the period make you more vulnerable. Caution.
AQUARIUS: Today the Moon clashes with Mars in the sign making a bit 'in your daily agitation. So try to be more diplomatic. With your current partner, for example, you could communicate better the ambiguous behavior of recent times. You are only taken from the very practical issues.
FISH Try not to talk too much around your project. Know to be incisive in your environment, but perhaps you might be emerging from some competition even disguised as friendship, yes, self-styled! Be careful, therefore, do not give anyone your trust.
The toads are moving, the volunteers follow them. The sunny days of last week had alerted a bit 'all by ensuring that they begin to prepare all the necessary equipment to carry out the rescue of toads. The snow has slowed in recent days, however, Bufo Bufo Toad and his friends amphibians. Technical Details: a Rivarossa and Vistrorio (Piedmont) barriers will be erected between Friday and Saturday. Now we really . The campaign to save is to gain a foothold ... snow permitting, of course!
The "rescue" Toads of shooting with spring approaching, toads and frogs when they wake up from hibernation in ground and move in search of ponds where spawning. In this "journey" towards the water, often have to cross busy roads, moving the time of their return from work, from about 18 to 21. In those hours into action our volunteers walk the streets where the crossings take place, take the frogs, put them in a bucket and carry them across the road. Some stretches
of the road were equipped with nets or other barriers to prevent the amphibians to reach the track until the arrival of volunteers. More rarely have been built "rospodotti, subways by about a meter in diameter to which the animals are routed through the barriers of conveyance.
ARIES: Try to avoid putting further important issues. You may well decide definitely to use more diplomacy to deal with situations, and will do well. Venus in the sign promotes the ambition and certainly do not let go but, yes, better not bite!
TORO: come of this in your professional life but do not forget the love and friendships that help silence your ascent. So, do not forget those behind the scenes people who are rooting for you. In the evening, organized something special for them!
GEMINI: come of this in your professional life but do not forget the love and friendships that help silence your ascent. So, do not forget those behind the scenes people who are rooting for you. In the evening held something special for them!
CANCER: A Wednesday where you can struggle to something or someone. You'll probably be dealing with a colleague or more will require your attention. It 'just to clarify. Proved to be not only diplomats but also combative. E 'recommended!
LEONE: Cambiamenti. Davvero tanti cambiamenti soprattutto nella vostra sfera professionale. C'è un progetto che vi apporta vere e proprie soddisfazioni. Allora vivete il momento positivo, godetevelo a pieno, va tutto bene, anche se dovrete lavorare davvero molto!
VERGINE: Continua la fase di recupero nelle relazioni di sempre. Il dialogo riprende ad essere più costruttivo. Sono possibili incontri interessanti per chi fosse ancora solo ma è sempre consigliabile non fare progetti di lunga durata. Flirt intensi ma con persone sfuggenti.
BILANCIA: Un mercoledì non proprio all rest, some great little contrast with yourself and those close to you. You will receive criticism? Go on your way that, despite some wrangling goes on. Do not be too hard especially with your family.
SCORPIO: There's nothing to do, you are thrown in your career so much, you forget about someone who so eagerly awaits. Maybe, after work, you could run to forgive you. There will benefit both mind and in body. Eros? Eros!
SAGITTARIUS: There are good chances to make good business. These deals could come always from the real estate industry. It 'still, you should not be consumed with haste to conclude. And, above all, do not overlook the bureaucratic details. Counsel with an investment adviser.
CAPRICORN: A Wednesday to surprise with Mercury activator. Something unexpected will come at an emotional level in your life. It might be someone important to you that will give you a piece of news just as crucial. Perhaps a deal that will satisfy even the moral sense.
AQUARIUS: This Wednesday is one of those days that would be good to reap the benefits of your latest work. So, rejoice in what comes into your life. Reflection with Mars still difficult. Settle for what is right now, which is no small thing.
FISH Good news from the front of satisfaction. You may also get some good news today about your career. Seize the opportunity and you have no qualms. There is a step forward with regard to your role, in addition to the clatter of noise of money!
ARIES: n this day, know how to be more successful in but your environment will be the case for continued situations in which you hold in particular. Venus in the sign brings new situations. Estero. Do not delay further for fear and too many expectations.
TORO: Aperture with friends from Capricorn Moon and Mercury positive. Now you can rejoice in the news in your professional field. This Tuesday, in fact, you can also risky investments and important for your future. Go ahead with full confidence. Okay.
GEMINI: Venus positive and passionate allows you to have the improvements in your emotional life and work, because closely affects your mood will be better. Build your future and look forward to this. Excellent.
CANCER: On this day you could discuss an issue with important partners and collaborators. It 's a good idea to define some important questions that maybe you had to be delayed. With the Moon in Capricorn , however, do not be too restrictive, given the space to others.
LEONE: Spend a day of great effort because you will be prompted by many stimuli. Always try to look at again. You must be sure that things are changing for the better. Look at the news, then, the relationship with distance in particular. Good business.
VIRGO: With the Moon friend by inducing Capricorn and Venus in Aries there is a recovery mood. In family matters, there likely will be cloudy and this certainly is good for you in all areas of your life. Make peace with your soul.
BALANCE: Venus in aspect to the opposition begins to show signs of imbalance. There will probably be an issue to be put in order. Perhaps a quota issue that will make you discuss with your partner. Caution in exterior behavior.
SCORPIO: You are very taken from work hours to put a some 'issues by love. So, for some of you will be well in practical activities focus but others will be well cut a corner in the evening. And, stay with your dear love. Or, with the new one.
SAGITTARIUS: This Tuesday is the day to manage your finances, paying attention to important issues. Perhaps there is an outstanding issue relating to the family that still covers the house's property. Well, do so. Today, you really realize.
CAPRICORN: You The Moon and Venus in the sign aggressive might lead potential tensions in the field of your love relationships. Most likely in this day some of you will have quarrel, but other intriguing erotic adventures of the beautiful!
AQUARIUS: can continue living a swinging time in the reports. There is something that comes from your relationship sector. Perhaps an ex-partner could do peeps today. Have the courage to be yourself and not get to repent for something.
FISH There are constructive developments in your profession and in business that will bring some good rewards in the economic field. Take the grit that will give the Stars and sent on the most important activities. Activism to create your beautiful life.
ARIES: Everything flows in this Monday. Go ahead, then, with full confidence in the sentiments live in a totally free, with no problems. Organize a pleasant evening with your dear friends, and you will see that there will be a further welcome development. Luck is with you.
TORO: This Monday there will be plenty of opportunities and projects to be pursued, especially through the employment relationship. It could also be that some fellow friend asks you a very attractive proposal. Active. Next!
GEMINI: On this day the mood will not be just at the most. More reason to indulge in a bit 'of healthy detachment from the situations. The Moon their restlessness may cause the opposite, but you will see a beautiful Venus in Aries will be able to very slowly make you more optimistic.
CANCER: Start your business activities with determination. Venus, though both look quadrature, it spurs you making you the most out of your shell. Professional relations are certainly the most dynamic and just, in practice you far nascere un nuovo amore
LEONE: Venere positiva potrebbe far nascere un nuovo amore attraverso i contatti col lontano. Difatti, Venere tocca proprio questo settore portando già ottime opportunità lavorative. Nelle questioni sentimentali potreste avere ottime chance anche grazie alla vostra professione. Bene!
VERGINE: Le Stelle oggi consigliano di non prendere una posizione definitiva. La Luna ancora ostile evidenzia ancora problematiche nel vostro settore familiare. Per qualcuno di voi potrebbe diventare difficile affrontare il quotidiano con spirito leggero. Evitate i drammi! Siate i più disponibili possible.
BALANCE: Today you will start on Monday in the belief they can do good agreements. The day becomes very productive to make valid contracts. So do not delay further. Tomorrow, your focus shifts elsewhere, the mixed blessing that is love!
SCORPIO: The day focuses on employment. Surely you have more opportunity with Venus activating respect your profession. The employee is the most gratified. Okay, continue to keep hope alive and, more importantly, the attitude positive.
SAGITTARIUS: A some improvement is possible with Venus friend from the air in your environment. Your projects have to start listening without the tension of too much that could be seen in the ether. It will benefit especially your dialogue with employees and partners and, gradually, with the family ..
CAPRICORN: You have the right determination to go ahead with your project? It is, however, might just be a project of love that makes you insecure because they feel it important. Let go of possessiveness and what comes from it. Forward with positivity.
AQUARIUS: Today maybe you finally understand what's wrong in relationships ever. Most likely it will be a loved family member ring the bell of mindfulness. So be grateful to this wise advice or criticism, and Embrace!
FISH In this Monday's fighting spirit. Venus in aspect with Mars just allows you to recover your day yesterday. Ponder well, anyway, the activities to be pursued because today is important not to waste time on useless things. Next!
The 2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity, and the destination of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the UN project that was born in 1993 with the aim of defending and protecting species and habitats on Earth.
biodiversity and its protection are issues of the day today, but also matters fairly "young" if - in fact - only the beginning of the nineties has begun to move steadily and concrete. The alarm, then as now, is the same: entire species of flora and fauna are disappearing because of human action, and they incorporated entire habitat or destroyed by urbanization excessive pollution.
If the first step was the establishment of the Convention, in 2002, signatory governments have set a series of goals to achieve them in 2010. We have now reached the deadline from the UN and the finding of the continuing seriousness of the situation of flora, fauna and habitats has led to the proclamation of the International Year of Biodiversity.
What has been done so far? In fact the UN had already included this aspect in their Millennium Development Goals, a set of seven points for the Protection of the Earth, its habitats, flora and fauna, and subsequently, the Convention has published over the years, the Global Biodiversity Outlook to take stock of the situation and set goals concrete. At the European level
did the European Environment Agency, which developed the system SEBI - an indicator which is able to capture the state of biodiversity in each country, aggregating scientific data collected in the field. also arose also the European ecological network, which brings together all the sites of Community interest in the natural habitat. The Network was created precisely for the conservation of natural sites of great value and exceptional habitat for species of flora and fauna. Our area, for example, is very rich in these sites and are distributed throughout the country. The management of these areas depends on regions, but are often WWF LIPU or who take charge of the natural oasis and fight for their preservation and protection.
During the year there will be lots of celebrations, conferences and publications that accompany the path to the protection of biodiversity, both scientific and technical character, is a political - cultural. Meanwhile, the IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, has launched a Countdown to accompany you throughout the year to commemorate the objectives and promote their achievement.
Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta is starting to save toads migrating courses water to go to mate. If you want to become a volunteer, even just for one night ... visit the website or call 011 2215851 ... Night of the Toads .. we're waiting for them, we're waiting!
Aries Moon in Scorpio brings you to this day to be more geared towards instinct and sensuality. Then send out the most important and urgent commitments and run out and hunt! Today there are some really exciting moments. Sensuality on.
TORO: The day may be challenging with regard to your workplace. The Moon appearance in opposition could help to create an atmosphere of tension. But fear not, the other planets support you and you just get along!
GEMINI: In this day of Friday to gather with some temper too. Venus adverse, but even for a short time ago feel coldness around you and it just goes down there. Would love without too many limitations? Time to time. Think about what you really want.
CANCER: This Friday there is a beautiful sensual Moon in Scorpio and Venus, a friend from the fish, which take you away from family problems. In particular young people of the sign could be living a great first step in discovering the sweetness and sensuality erotic.
LEONE: There's a little 'tension today and get a great need to take some' rest of your many activities. The Moon in Scorpio friend not possible you could bring criticism from the surrounding environment. Then you are as much as possible with your loved ones.
VIRGO: In this Friday, you should try to return to their innermost emotions. Spend the night in the middle game of seduction with a beautiful active transgression a Moon in Scorpio that will surprise even your partner.
BALANCE: Friday still constructive to your welfare. If you took the advice of the Stars you'll live a pleasant day in several respects. Mercury and Jupiter in Pisces will work on the project but it will be good to think well of yourself and deep emotions.
SCORPIO: You will have a great desire to be successful in the job profile but also on the side of love. Uranus always brings changes in your life. Something could also end up reborn but now something else very good. You are determined, difficult to stop!
SAGITTARIUS: continues swinging time in your life. You are still dissatisfied with how things are going there. Mercury still confusing results in bringing your relationship possible tensions. And you will suffer. Always try to iron out differences.
CAPRICORN: Enjoy harvest time in a long war, and then work to convince. Today might be called the agreements important to your professional development. In the evening, just have a partner that demands your attention. Excellent.
AQUARIUS: tensions with the environment are possible with Moon in square aspect. It will be good to focus on the most needed, without overdoing it or pretend to get along with everyone. You know that in difficult times there is no oxygen and you need to escape. Escape from friends!
FISH Appraise good projects to be pursued. Contact is coming from far away and in love at work. You're probably planning a trip with a colleague? Perhaps it is connected with that money you have in common is a magic moment hot! Venus still embraces you.
ARIES: The Moon in balance in the aspect of opposition certainly does not help the inner serenity. Then send out the most important and urgent commitments and do not get stressed too much. Now you can also discuss with someone, be careful not to overdo it just!
TAURUS: Your projects are taking brio. There is something very exciting in your life. In the specific job you are proactive and able to carry on a great deal of work and being up to the startling new perspective. Excellent.
GEMELLI: La Luna amica dalla bilancia attiva la vostra propensione all'amore. Sarete, quindi, molto propensi a vivervi la giornata di giovedì cogliendo ciò che vi portano gli incontri. Sono incontri fugaci ma intensi, forse con qualcuno che ha una età differente dalla vostra.
CANCRO: Qualche possibile diatriba nei vostri rapporti importanti. Il desiderio di attrazione è ancora presente ma sarà bene non farlo sfogare in incomprensioni e aggressività. Chissà che non sia solo voglia di amore sensuale, del tutto realizzabile con le Stelle in Pesci.
LEONE: Oggi you should dedicate yourself to your home because otherwise you risk receiving a complaint in most part of your family who see you happy, but perhaps too preoccupied by work. So at least the evening was with them, take them to dinner to make them understand how much you care!
VIRGO: Sexuality will be hosted on Thursday. You'll have to try something unusual because this battle of the planets could lead to weird to live but all in all intense emotions. Surrender yourself to the sublime eros albeit very, very special!
BALANCE: put order in your questions more important. The house must be put in order to feel better and to advance projects and love. Like in the feng-shui, who wants to balance the interior psychological well-being ..
SCORPIO: Today you will have more to look after your emotions related to the newspaper. The day will be punctuated by the commitments that require the utmost attention. In the evening, however, with the Moon and Venus in the sign Uranus touching you think more all'insostituibile eros!
SAGITTARIUS: A Thursday possibly to spend with your loved ones, friends and people who love you. It's not really a good time for you and you try to wrap-positive people. And then relax! The legs are always your weakness.
CAPRICORN: manage to get just what you're battling for. Move now with the good planets. So today you might be surprised positively managed to get confirmation constructive. You are a convincing job but also in love. In 2010 the this' you need love so much!
AQUARIUS: Some possible new program in view of your professional career. Almost all the planets Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all shown in your field and practice of Finance. So, be daring and go forward with good projects. Be confident.
FISH The financial situation will give good results. The day makes you more proactive and determined to seize the good opportunities in the profession that is in love. In the evening, therefore, not rinchiudetevi at home because you could really make some good gains ..