Press Turin, March 12, 2010
Back again this year "THE NIGHT OF THE TOAD"
Many volunteers Legambiente committed this year to save the toads love the cars each year are decimating populations of Bufo bufo (this is the scientific name of the common toad) during the migration to wetlands that toads do for mating and reproduction. The circles Legambiente are organizing the rescue operation that iniziaranno in the coming days and will last about ten days.
Night of the Toads, the Legambiente campaign aimed at the protection of amphibians, is included in initiatives Legambiente dedicated to the Countdown 2010 Biodiversity. Since this year the UN-declared as "International Year for Biodiversity" is proposed through this Campaign, concrete actions of active volunteering to protect and preserve the natural environment and biodiversity.
The initiative aims to raise awareness and protect habitats and species threatened by human activities, but also wishes to inform to increase knowledge of wet systems, promoting concrete actions to protect and preserve the natural environment.
"The Night of the Toads with the participation of many volunteers involved in rescue operations to limit the massacres that every year decimating amphibian populations - says Vanda Bonardo, President Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta - We need teams of volunteers in the evening, when the animals begin their movement, assist them in crossing roads. With this campaign we offer several volunteers to spend some nights to save the toads in love, and together with friends and family, often unknown worlds to discover, to experience the region and the relationship with nature in a different way. "
Few people know that amphibians inhabiting the planet earth from more than 250 million years, but today many of them are at risk of disappearing. For the permeability of their skin are more sensitive to various toxic agents or climatic and environmental change. By virtue of this fact, organizations are to be taken as indicators of environmental degradation. The data on the health of amphibian populations could therefore be used to identify vulnerable areas from an environmental perspective.
For children, Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta, in collaboration with the sector protected areas of the Piedmont Region and the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences, has developed specific teaching and educational materials available to all schools in Piedmont, which may require kits at the Association.
All interested in "Night of the Toads" can visit the website www.legambientepiemonte.it or real-time updates on Facebook and Twitter by searching for "The Night of the Toads."
For more information:
Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Via
Thouar 8 - Torino Tel 011.2215851
Press Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta: Fabio
Dovana 392.9935376
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