Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In Floor Heat Not Working Airlock

Berlusconi and Italy resists collapsing

Even today, the prime minister has resisted the motion of no confidence in the protests / riots across Italy . Cities such as Rome, Genoa, Milan, Palermo protested because he was tired of this government and the political class that runs poorly.
guys think

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Do Pigions Sleep At Night

still waste in landfills in the Campania tarantino

Supervisory landfill waste from Campania

still in the dumps tarantino
But who cares, really? We are sure that we send?

As in 2006, 2007, 2008. Campania is still commissioner, the emergency bell comes back on time-waste, and garbage is sent to landfills for special waste tarantino: Ecolevante in Grottaglie, a Virgin Lizzano Italcave in Statte. E 'decision, the tender for the transportation of waste was made.

seems that since 2006 has not changed anything, but if you look well, you notice some variations, as well as two constants that should make us worry and indignation if only we could shake stillness of death which already is taking away life and future our children. The

constants are not the political will to solve the problem of municipal solid waste upstream, with the practice of the recovery, reuse and recycling; obstinacy of the government to send the waste in landfills in Campania of Taranto. Special waste landfills that are already used for emergencies Puglia (Bari Ato Lecce2 and now) and already working on their own at a pace so fast that it required, and easily obtained, and extensions to 9 million cubic meters in 2009 alone.

and variations of this movie have already seen, are no less serious. One is formed by the recent alarm-waste in Puglia, Bari already taken in the south and in the same town, and the concomitant refusal of the City of Conversano comforted by the recent ruling by the TAR of Bari, to accept yet another expansion of the landfill within its territory (Lombardi Ecology) to meet the emergencies of Bari.

The other variation consists of some circumstances which, beyond the apparent and immediate reassurance, should disturb our sleep and especially those who minister to us. The Neapolitan Cite
consortium (Consortium interprovincial transport eco-environmental), which won the contract from 8 million € promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Civil Defence for disposal in landfill of waste tarantino emergency bell of 2008, reassured that this is of stabilized soil for two years, practically odorless, non-hazardous and has no major environmental impact.

But on March 4 last year the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, closing the open in July 2008, condemned Italy for "The Italian Republic, having failed, for the region, Campania, all necessary measures to ensure that waste is recovered or disposed of without endangering human health and without harming the environment and, in particular, by failing to create an integrated and adequate network of disposal installations, has failed to fulfill its obligations under Articles. 4 and 5 of the Directive of the European Parliament and Council April 5, 2006, 2006/12/EC on waste. " So: how, where and when these were treated waste from Campania, which date back precisely to the emergency of 2007 and 2008?

again. In June 2008 and February 2010 were discovered radioactive waste in loads of municipal waste for incineration or landfill in store. The facts reported by English newspaper El Pais and La Repubblica, Naples, have occurred in Hamburg, Germany, and Chiaiano, the metropolitan park in the hills of Naples, home to a landfill for municipal waste called "Cupa dogs" inaugurated last year.

Germany found levels of radioactivity higher than allowed in the garbage already stabilized sent from Naples and designed incinerator in Hamburg. For residues of iodine-131, used in some therapies for bone and thyroid cancer. And the German Environment Ministry has demanded that the Italian authorities to guarantee in writing that they will control the radioactivity before shipment. And Bertolaso, the special commissioner for Naples, has ensured that a special team of firefighters will monitor the waste at source.

a Chiaia, three times in six months, from August 2009 to February 2010, were stopped by compacting radioactive cargo going to come in here, or even inside it. This is all the waste Hospital of iodine-131 irradiated with mixed waste. To reveal the presence of radioactive waste have been a police report, an inspection dell'Nbcr (special squad of firefighters Nuclear, biological, chemical, radioactive) which confirmed the levels of radioactivity, and an accompanying note.

E 'evident in Hamburg, reliability and consistency checks as well as the immediacy and severity of the intervention with the Italian authorities, in Chiaiano, in addition to the constant surveillance of the local committee, was instrumental activities of a prosecutor Aldo De Chiara, who coordinates the "Environment and Territory," the Prosecutor's Office, and follows the person "Iodine 131 Case." And us?

Vendola, president of the Puglia region, a rapid and I hope (for him) incomplete examination of local newspapers, has issued any statement until 2006, while in 2007 and 2008, spoke on his behalf the former environment commissioner know the former vice president Frisullo. On the occasion of the emergency bell, its silence has echoed the statement of the new environment commissioner Nicastro, who candidly said to be "unprepared at this time" and that he had "interlocutors on the subject with the governor" .

by the Province of Taranto no sign of attention to the problem. And prosecutors added that coordinate specific sections for the environment and territory, not even talking about it.

And the mayors and local administrators? From my perhaps incomplete documentation, there were views expressed in Statte and Grottaglie, not yet in S. Marzano, and Monteiasi Carosino. While the synergy shown recently by the mayors of Monteparano, Fragagnano, Lizzie and Faggiano to form a common front to the discomfort caused by the presence of the landfill Virgin, bodes well in their position for the arrival of the waste from Campania.

But not just a generic rejection, followed by passivity and resignation, as happened in previous emergency bells. Should the government do its lesson in Hamburg and Chiaiano, certifications ask about the source is stable and non-hazardous / non-radioactivity, and require, perhaps implement their own controls upon arrival of the waste from Campania. Mayors is responsible for protecting the health of their fellow citizens!

Meanwhile, with regard to the committees, the vigil for the landfill will agree to a short meeting with all committees active in the area to go into that and decide together what to do.
Etta Ragusa
Coordinator Supervisory
Grottaglie landfill, 19.10.2010
References: 3687492108

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Numbness On Outer Knees

journalist Gianni Lannes returned to Grottaglie-waste and health : St. Raphael the deal

invitato da Rinascita Civica, Vigiliamo per la discarica, Casa per la pace

Il giornalista Gianni Lannes ritorna a Grottaglie
Rifiuti e sanità: l'affare san Raffaele

La denuncia: Il san Raffaele di Milano prima inquina, poi fa affari sui tumori

" Le logiche di chi mette in pericolo salute e ambiente nella provincia jonica sono le stesse di chi vuole realizzare affari e speculare su sanità ed ecologia ": così la prof.ssa Etta Ragusa, da sette anni coordinatrice del Comitato "Vigiliamo per la discarica" di Grottaglie ed ispiratrice di "Rinascita civica", ha introdotto ieri, 8 ottobre, nell'auditorium, packed, the Castle, the meeting: "Waste and health: the deal San Raffaele". Rapporteur, the journalist Gianni Lannes, familiar presence to many citizens, from across the province, attended the three-hour meeting with discussion on interaction between speculative interests and construction of a private hospital in the city of Taranto Don Verzè.

An event that places a further step in the path of "vigilant" study, report, willingness to give up the quiet life, to put the skills to serve the common good. A meeting of political, with a capital P, who does not talk tough, but that coagulates the people because it focuses on the discussion of issues that affect everyone regardless of deployment. Opportunity to reiterate the solidarity group "Enable Lizzie", whose headquarters has recently been breached twice in a few hours yet another act of intimidation against those who raised his head to watch over a landfill for hazardous waste - that "stinks ".

" We have evidence that the foundation of the San Raffaele Monte Tabor in Milan moved hazardous waste in this province," said Lannes. Behind her, like a damned circle of hell, photos of the thousands of abandoned drums for decades within a few kilometers from the city of Taranto. The foundation, in the imagination of Taranto, bring excellence in cancer research in an area with an average of 40,000 cancer patients a year, is the same as that produced radioactive waste disposed of in our province by Smarin spa A strange plot that has the flavor of a conflict of interest . Protagonist, the Milanese Giuseppe Grossi, the board of directors and owner of the San Raffaele Smarin spa, a company which ceased trading in June, a month after the establishment in Taranto, in front of a notary of the "Fondazione San Raffaele Mediterranean ".

With a "small" advance of public money, 120 million euro, therefore, a "for-profit foundation" - as he recalled the Lannes himself - "sets the tone" to the project of building a private hospital in the capital of the Ionian and declares the death of public health throughout the province. Behind this, a cross array of interests, it does not seek the causes of pollution, but it plans palliative downstream. And 'the logic of the plot between politics and powers, nurtured by distrust in the ability to reverse course and misinformation that generates erroneous opinions in public.

Lannes were echoed in the screening of these interventions, the best representatives of civil society, " twenty years ahead of the politicians, but also that opposition to the square that manifests itself only against someone who thinks even for a maximum ideological systems "in the vibrant words of Professor Ragusa" and who escapes the time of hostilities must end, because politics is to solve problems for the good of all .

Among the numerous, significant that the complaint of the lawyer Patrick Rogers has called "holocaust", what will happen to the neighborhood drums following the cancellation, in ten minutes last summer, the obligation to limit benzoapirene in 'Air (DL 155). Just heard the testimony of an operator of health, who denounced a system in which patients, for politics, sono "numeri", nel pubblico si è costretti a lavorare sotto organico e a pagare i debiti delle strutture private.

A nome del comitato Salute pubblica di Taranto ha parlato un suo rappresentante comunicando che nel capoluogo provinciale sono attivi per far emergere la verità sull' "affare" s. Raffaele e sul grave rischio che sia azzerata la sanità pubblica. Altri interventi e presenze significative quelli dei rappresentanti dei comitato tarantini Malattie da inquinamento, Fondo antidiossina e Stellaciao, della sezione provinciale di Cittadinanza Attiva, del comitato AttivaLizzano.
I presenti hanno, dunque, ribadito che le indagini coraggiose di Lannes saranno supportate dalla gente attraverso presenze brigade in the area. "The change starts from ourselves, as Gandhi taught us. So, on the head" in the closing words of Lannes, the commitment for all guards to be alert and courageous in the construction of the common good, the objective of the policy. (LR)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Keepsake Gerber Spoon

It 'just a moral issue! One year

It 'just a moral issue!
it also says the Court of Auditors

is not only serious that the Regional Control Section of the Court of Auditors, in the recent decision of last July, has made findings of serious irregularities in the administration of municipal Grottaglie .

is not only a serious matter of those findings of irregularities, which concerns "the approval of the statement well beyond the 2009 deadline", the "misallocated in a lot of turn on certain items", the "failure to respect the domestic stability pact ', the' non-staff expenditure restraint. "

E 'of extreme gravity, on the merits, the Court of Auditors has noted concern that the City Council conduct a way of administering stubbornly insensitive to the most basic legal obligations. And it has detected after two answers to previous requests of the Mayor Bagnardi the Court itself.

beds with care, mistakes and serious shortcomings in the economic and financial discovered by the Court of Auditors and Accounting, is the consequence of political and ethical behavior seriously deficient, as is clearly explained in the same resolution, and not only in accounts that do not return.

The General Accounting Office points out the "systematic delay in filing their financial statements for the financial years 2006 to 2008." Note that the term "systematic" refers to the financial year to three years rather than four since then is also referred to the 2009 budget.

Another serious accounting irregularities, the Court of Auditors found in the "allocation between the services of third parties payables must be entered in other parts of the budget" and is regarded as serious "as it contrasts with the accounting principles and does not allow a proper assessment of the results and balances for the management and could also lead to a circumvention of compliance with the Stability Pact (but not respected). That is not only serious in itself, but also for the serious consequences that may result.

Moreover, the Court of Auditors also highlighted "the almost total absence of adequate planning, which was passed on to non-achievement of the Stability Pact, the violation of which constitutes a serious financial irregularity because it has a negative impact on the containment and the rationalization of public expenditure and, more importantly, on the general objectives of public finance. "In other words, the stability pact has not been observed because it had no necessary and appropriate programming, with inevitable negative consequences on both the expenditure on public finances.

But do not plan and direct the specific tasks of politics? And if the majority was wrong, where was the opposition? Where the city manager so handsomely paid? A municipality that fails to rationalize public spending and to identify the general objectives of public finance, it is clear that he failed his task.

In particular then, referring to the non-containment of personnel costs and, in this case, the recruitment of workers socially useful (LSU), the Court of Auditors not only removes that assumption "for violation of provisions mandatory ", but stresses that such an administrative act" presents profiles of particularly serious since they [the violation] was committed with knowledge and will having this section, already detected in control tests on the questionnaire relating to the budget estimates for 2008. "

then adds that, "circumstances do not of little moment, this Section also found that illegality with respect to the Budget 2009. " From this we can easily deduce that not only the violations are systematic and repeated reminders from the Court of Auditors ignored, but lacked any consideration towards socially useful workers who, after years and years of waiting, will continue to be canceled due to the stabilization of the failure of the municipal administration.

Finally, the Court of Auditors draws Grottaglie City Council "to respect the role and function of this Court" and "comply with the Court's findings" by putting in place concrete measures of self-correction. "It states that" obliteration [Cancel ed] a ruling of this court "constitutes an infringement of the law further to that already found by the Court and resigned, and is symptomatic of a deviation from the regular and legal model of" intolerance "of The [City of Grottaglie ed ] with respect to the rules of the legislature on the containment of public spending. "

So, merciless, wryly observes that "even the City of Grottaglie, like any other body of the Italian Republic - which is one and indivisible within the meaning of Article 5 of the Constitution" is obliged to respect these standards and the principles of lawfulness and fairness, "in the context of certainty and transparency outlined in Article .97, paragraph 1 of the Constitution. "
Respect of rules and specific measures" that the Body [Common Grottaglie ndr] has not made use, not only inottemperante prejudice on this point, but even deciding volunteered to work in the opposite direction, in 2008 as in the following years.

Still pressing, resolutely calling the city council to oversee the proper accounting, financial and economic costs on the implementation and operation contract so for the future is given the utmost attention to the rules that govern the formation of the budget and public expenditure. the violation of rules repeated, daily and is aware of serious financial irregularities, as shown, with risk profiles for future budget balances and the maintenance of sound financial management, and may rightly be regarded as serious and persistent violations of law. "

All findings of the Court of Auditors reported here - the systematic non-compliance with the terms and delays, lack of adequate planning; violation of the Stability Pact; serious financial irregularities and violations committed with knowledge and will, continue deviation from the legal model and intolerance with respect to rules of the legislature, repeated failure, unremitting and aware of the rules - Reflect in the economic and financial constraints, and the same the same severe shortcomings that years eve for the landfill and civic revival complain.

Therefore, no "political laboratory", not "factory", no electoral program should ignore them. Necessary that these serious shortcomings in the way of administering a city of 30,000 inhabitants are amply revealed if you really want to change the policy address that is ruining Grottaglie two decades.
Etta Ragusa
order to monitor the landfill and Civic Renewal

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Toothpaste And Camping

Extemporaneous 2010

New painting tempera on canvas

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Emerson E20 Garbage Disposal Manual

Revival civic was born a year ago for the experience of the Committee shall ensure the dump, which since 2004 continues its efforts to educate, reporting and proposal on the specific problem of the presence of one of the largest Grottaglie landfill for industrial waste in Europe.

This experience led to the realization that the apparent problems in the city are caused precisely by the absence of a strong culture of public government in those who administer and therefore there is a moral issue that concerns Grottaglie specifically the administration and municipal administrators.

Revival civic party is not deployed and active in politics in the territory of the good defense comune.Oltre filed for approval of the rules for the holding of consultative referendum in the town of Grottaglie, the city has proposed meetings with the investigative journalist Gianni Lannes on "the poisons that pollute our land and seas", with the ' immunologist Mauro Minelli on "environment and related diseases, with the candidates in regional elections.

Revival civic initiatives can be tracked on the site http://rinascitacivica.weebly.com/ . And on the paper "Terra Nostra", a paper version of the homonymous journal online http: / / www.italiaterranostra.it/

Growths On My Bearded Dragon

Civic Renewal Advisory Referendum: Renaissance Civic turns to the TAR

Press July 10, 2010

RENAISSANCE CIVIC forced to turn to TAR

Revival civic, after about eight months of filing the application for approval of the rules for the holding of consultative referendum in the town of Grottaglie, signed by 604 ( six hundred and four) Grottaglie voters, she is forced to turn to the TAR.

There has been too much red tape and has determined that an impasse in the Council Commission is responsible for proposing to the City Council to approve the regulation.
There is a particularly strong concern about the possible approval of civic rebirth of a regulation, according to circulating drafts, trampled the most basic rights of democratic participation, narrowing of the very possibility of the institution of municipal referendum.
Since those who govern in Grottaglie still need to learn to respect citizens and their rights of participation, civic revival, not wishing to wait more than eight months have passed, she is forced to turn to the TAR.
find attached a copy of the action and news on Civic Renewal.
Civic Rebirth - Grottaglie http://rinascitacivica.weebly.com/
------------------------------ ------------------
Revival civic experience was born a year ago the Committee shall monitor the landfill since 2004 continues its work of raising, reporting and proposal on the specific problem of the presence of one of the largest Grottaglie landfill for industrial waste in Europe.
This experience led to the realization that the apparent problems in the city are caused precisely by the absence of a strong culture of public government in those who administer and therefore exists in Grottaglie a moral issue that deals specifically with the administration and municipal administrators.
Revival civic party is not deployed and active in politics in the territory to defend the common good.
addition to filing the Approval of the rules for the holding of consultative referendum in the town of Grottaglie, the city has proposed meetings with the investigative journalist Gianni Lannes on "the poisons that pollute our land and seas", the immunologist Mauro Minelli on " environment and related diseases, with the candidates in regional elections.
Revival civic initiatives can be tracked on the site http://rinascitacivica.weebly.com/ .
E on the sheet "Terra Nostra", a paper version of the homonymous journal online http://www.italiaterranostra.it/

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Famous Quotes Of Deborah Sampson

subliminal messages found in cartons

as watching a cartoon they saw a subliminal message that the author wanted to launch. Riportiamone some say my goal is to collect all share

Thursday, June 24, 2010

An Acrostic Poem For Forgiveness

Decree 28 May 2010, No 85 - No OJ 134, 11/06/2010

Decree 28 May 2010, No 85
Web Site

Decree 28 May 2010, No 85 - No OJ 134 11/06/2010
Decree 28 May 2010, No 85Attribuzione to municipalities, provinces, cities' metropolitan regions and their own assets, pursuant to Article 19 of Law May 5, 2009, No 42. (OJ No 134, 6/11/2010) Text in force from 26/06/2010

Having regard to Articles 76, 87, fifth paragraph, 117 and 119 of the Constitution , May 5, 2009 According to law, No 42, delegating the Government on fiscal federalism, in implementation of Article 119 of the Constitution, and in particular Article 19, relating to the assets of municipalities, provinces, cities' urban areas and regions; Given the preliminary resolution of the Council of Ministers, adopted at its meeting on 17 December 2009; Given the failure to achieve the cartel in the Conference Unified under Article 3 of Legislative Decree 28 August 1997, No 281; Given the favorable opinion of the State-city 'and local governments, expressed in Article 9, paragraph 6, letter c) of Legislative Decree 28 August 1997, No 281, at its meeting on 4 March 2010, the text agreed in the same session; Given the decision of the Council of Ministers, adopted at its meeting on March 12, 2010, approval of report pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 3, third and fourth period, the Law of 5 May 2009, No 42 Given the report of the Parliamentary Commission for the implementation of fiscal federalism in Article 3 of Law May 5, 2009, No 42, and the opinions of the parliamentary committees responsible for the financial implications of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate; Given the decision of the Council of Ministers, adopted at its meeting on May 20, 2010, On the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance , the Minister for Reforms to federalism, the Minister for the simplification of legislation, the Minister for Relations with the Regions and the Minister for European policies, in consultation with the Minister of Interior and the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation;
issued the following legislative decree:

Article 1 Subject 1. In compliance with the Constitution with the provisions of this Decree and with one or more 'decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers have identified the state assets that can be attributed at no charge to municipalities, provinces, cities' and urban regions.
2. The local authorities which are attributed to the property are required to ensure maximum value functional.

Article 2 Parameters for the assets as assigning
1. The state, by agreement concluded in Unified Conference, identifies the goods to be given at no charge to: municipalities, provinces, cities 'urban areas and regions, according to criteria of territoriality,' subsidiarity ', adequacy, simplicity, capacity' financial relationship with powers and functions, as well as 'enhancement of the environment, according to the provisions of Article 3
2. Local authorities in a state of insolvency within the meaning of Article 244 of the consolidated laws on local government, referred to Legislative Decree 18 August 2000, No 267, continues until a state of collapse, can not dispose of the assets allocated to them, which can be used only for purpose 'of an institutional nature.
3. Applying the principle of subsidiarity ', if required under Article 3, where an asset is not attributed to a territorial entity within a given level of government, the State, based on advanced applications, the assignment of the same well a local authority of a different level of government.
4. The local authority, following the transfer of the property has the benefit of the community 'and represented and' held to promote the maximum functional value of the property attributed to direct or indirect benefit of that collectivity 'territorial represented. Each institution provides the information of the community 'about the process of development, including through disclosure on their institutional website. Each institution can 'hold popular forms of consultation, including in electronic form, according to the rules of the respective statutes.
5. The state-owned assets are allocated, at no charge to municipalities, provinces, cities' and metropolitan regions, even in undivided shares, based on the following criteria: a) Subsidiarity ', adequacy and territoriality'. In applying those criteria, the assets are allocated, considering their local roots, the municipalities, except for the entities' or type of each item or group of assets, the need for unifying require the allocation to provinces, Cities' metropolitan regions or what levels of government most suitable to meet protection requirements, management and development taking into account the relationship that must exist among the transferred assets and functions of each institutional level, b) simplification. Under that policy, the assets may be used by the Regions and local authorities in the processes of alienation and disposal in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 58 of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified with amendments by Law 6 August 2008, No 133. To this end, to ensure maximum exploitation of the transferred assets, the decision by the territorial planning approval and use and disposal of 'Conference sent to a special service, which operates in accordance with Articles 14, 14 - a, b and 14-14-c the Law of 7 August 1990 241, as amended, involving the City, the Province and the City 'Metro and the region concerned, time to acquire the permissions, consents and approvals required for any name change in urban destination. They are subject to the procedures and decisions taken by bodies established by federal, in the manner 'therein. The final determination of the Conference of services is one measure of approval of modifications to the general urban planning tool, and sets the limits and constraints, c) ability 'financial eligibility seen as' financial information needed to meet the needs of protection, management evalorizzazione property; d) correlation with powers and functions, designed as a connection between the powers and functions actually performed or exercised by the body which 'attributed the good and the needs of protection, management and exploitation of that asset; e) enhancement of the environment. Under that policy the promotion of good and 'made having regard to the physical, morphological, environmental, landscape, cultural and social rights of the transferred assets in order to ensure the development of the territory and the preservation of environmental values.

Article 3 allocation and transfer of assets
1. Without prejudice to the administrative functions already 'awarded to local authorities according to existing rules with one or more 'decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance, in consultation with the Minister for reforms for federalism, with the Minister for Relations with the Regions and other Ministers relevant to the subject, adopted within one hundred eighty days from the date of entry into force of this Legislative Decree: a) are transferred to the Regions, together with the appliances, the property of the maritime domain in Article 5, paragraph 1, letter a) and the assets of the public water referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, letter b), except as provided by the letter b) of this subparagraph b) shall be transferred to the provinces, together with the appliances, the assets of a public water Article 5, paragraph 1, letter b), limited to closed lakes with no outlet to the area and insist on the territory of one province, and the mines referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, letter d), which include oil and gas and related appliances as well as' sites of storage of natural gas and related appliances.
2. A portion of revenue from royalties derived from the use of public water transferred pursuant to subparagraph a) of paragraph 1, taking into account the 'water that insist on the territory of the Province and the administrative functions exercised by it, and' intended to each region to the provinces on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Region and the individual provinces insist on whose territory the same assets of public water. After one year from the date of entry into force of this decree without the said agreement has been concluded, the Government shall determine, taking into account the same criteria, the amount to be allocated to individual provinces, through the exercise of power referred to replacement ' Article 8 of Law June 5, 2003, No 131.
3. Except as provided in paragraphs 1 and 2, the property is identified for allocation to one or more 'entities belonging to one or more' levels of territorial government through the inclusion in the lists contained in one or more 'decrees of the President Council of Ministers adopted within one hundred eighty days from the date of entry into force of this Decree, subject to agreement enshrined in the Joint Conference pursuant to Article 3 of Legislative Decree 28 August 1997, No 281, proposed by the Minister of Economy and Finance, in consultation with the Minister for reforms for federalism, with the Minister for Relations with the Regions and the other Ministers responsible for matters on the basis of the provisions of Articles 1 and 2 of this decree. Assets can be identified individually or in groups. The lists are accompanied by appropriate elements of information, also concerning the legal status, texture, value of the property, to the corresponding revenue and related costs and take effect from the date of publication dei decreti del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri nella Gazzetta Ufficiale.
4. Sulla base dei decreti del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri di cui al comma 3, le Regioni e gli enti locali che intendono acquisire i beni contenuti negli elenchi di cui al comma 3 presentano, entro il termine perentorio di sessanta giorni dalla data di pubblicazione nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dei citati decreti, un'apposita domanda di attribuzione all'Agenzia del demanio. Le specifiche finalita' e modalita' di utilizzazione del bene, la relativa tempistica ed economicita' nonche' la destinazione del bene medesimo sono contenute in una relazione allegata alla domanda, sottoscritta dal rappresentante legale dell'ente. Per i beni che negli elenchi di cui al comma 3 sono groups identified in the application for assignment must cover all property included in each group and the report shall indicate the purpose 'and mode' prevalent use. On the basis of allocation requests received and 'take within the next sixty days, on a proposal from the Minister of Economy and Finance, after hearing the regions and local authorities concerned, a further decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, concerning the' allocation of goods, which affects the date of publication in the Official Gazette and which shall be for the transcription and the cadastral registration of property in favor of each region or local authority.
5.If \u200b\u200bthe local authority is not using the good in accordance with the purpose 'and the times indicated in the report referred to in paragraph 4, the Government shall exercise substitute for in Article 8 of Law June 5, 2003, No 131, in order to ensure the best use of the property, including through the bound contribution to the assets referred to in paragraph 6.
6. The goods for which it is not 'filing the application referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article or paragraph 3 of Article 2, join, according to a decree of the President of the Council of Ministers adopted the procedure referred to in paragraph 3, tied assets entrusted to the State Property Agency or the administration that its management, which provides for the use and disposal of such assets, in agreement with the regions and local authorities concerned on the basis of specific agreements or memoranda of understanding program. Thirty-six months elapsed from the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the decree of inclusion in the tied assets, goods for which there has 'proceeded to the signing of framework agreements or Memoranda of Understanding are in full availability' of the state and can be however, attributed the decrees referred to in Article 7.

Section 4 Status of goods
1. The property, transferred with all the appliances, accessories, specifications and weights, except as provided by Article 111 of the Code of Civil Procedure, they become part of the available assets of the municipalities, provinces, Cities 'metropolitan and regional, with the exception of those in the maritime domain, water and airports, which remain under the regime established by the Civil Code, as well as' the framework for the protection and preservation dictated by that code, by the Navigation Code, the regional and state laws and the Community rules for the sector, with particular reference to those of protection of competition. That met the conditions, the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers for the allocation of state property other than those in the maritime domain, water and airport can 'have justifiably maintain fixed assets in the same state property or the inclusion in the heritage unavailable. For goods that are transferred under the regime of state property under this article, the possible transition to the capital and 'declared by the State under Article 829, first paragraph, the Civil Code. On such property can not consist of surface rights.
2. The transfer of assets effective from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers under Article 3, paragraphs 1 and 4, the fourth quarter. The transfer takes place in the state of fact and law in which the assets are located, with the simultaneous release of each region and local authority in the legal possession and taking over all assets and liabilities related to assets transferred, subject to the limits resulting from historical, artistic and environmental issues.
3. The property transferred pursuant to this decree that become part of the capital stock of Municipalities, Provinces, Cities' metropolitan regions and may be alienated only with the promotion through the procedures for the adoption of changes in the actual planning instrument, and following a certificate of appropriateness' issued within thirty days of the request by the Agency or the State Property Agency of the territory, in accordance with their skills.

Article 5 Types of goods
1. The state-owned real estate and movable property, if any state in which they are or furniture that are placed at their service, at no charge, shall be transferred pursuant to Article 3 to municipalities, provinces, cities' metropolitan regions and are as follows: a) the property belonging to the maritime domain and related works, such as defined in Article 822 of the Civil Code and Article 28 of the Navigation Code, excluding those directly used by central governments, b) the property belonging to public water and related works, as well as' water supply works and reclamation of competence state, as defined in Articles 822, 942, 945, 946 and 947 of the Civil Code and special laws for the sector, excluding: 1) the rivers of supra-regional context, and 2) supra-Lakes area for whom does not react to an agreement between the regions concerned, subject to any discipline, however, the class c) the airports at regional or local civil aircraft belonging to the state-owned property and its appliances, other than those of national interest so 'as defined in Article 698 of the navigation code, d) mines and related appurtenances located on the mainland, and) the other property of the state, except those excluded from the transfer.
2. Except as provided in subsection 4, shall in any event excluded from the movement: properties in proven and effective use for purpose 'to the institutional authorities of the State, including an autonomous to recipients of public property of the state government use and to the agencies referred to in Legislative Decree 30 July 1999, No 300, as amended, ports and airports in economic importance nationally and internationally, in accordance with the regulations for the sector, the cultural treasures, except as provided by law and by paragraph 7 of this Article, the goods covered by agreements or arrangements with local authorities or to rationalize the exploitation of their estates entered the date of entry into force of this Decree and networks at the state, including the road and energy, railroads in the use of property 'state , shall also be 'excluded from transfer referred to in this decree, the national parks and state nature reserves. Real property used for purposes 'institutions are included in the lists of goods excluded from the transfer on the basis of economy' and practical care of public interests pursued.
3. The central governments and other entities referred to in paragraph 2 shall, so adequate reasons, in accordance with that paragraph 2, of the Agency-owned property within ninety days from the date of entry into force of this Decree lists of immovable property referred to require exclusion. The State Property Office may 'seek clarification as to the reasons provided, also with a view to reducing burdens on leases payable dependent on the state budget. Within this period also the State Property Office shall keep a list in the first period. Within the next forty five days, after consultation with the Joint Conference, to be expressed within a period of thirty days, by order of the Director of the complete list of goods excluded from the transfer and 'drawn up and is' made public, for information purposes, stating the reasons received, the website of the Agency. By the same process, except that the list can 'be expanded, or modified.
4. Within one year from the date of entry into force of this decree by the President of the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Defence, of consultation with the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister for Reforms to federalism, in agreement enshrined in the Joint Conference pursuant to Article 3 of Legislative Decree 28 August 1997, No 281, are identified and assigned the property still in use at the Ministry of Defence which may be transferred pursuant to paragraph 1, because not included in those used for the functions of defense and national security, not subject to the procedures laid down ' Article 14-bis of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified with amendments by Law 6 August 2008, No 133, referred to in Article 2, paragraph 628, of Law December 24, 2007, No 244 of Law December 23, 2009, No 191, as well as' not programs for carrying out the reorganization of the military aimed at the effective and efficient exercise of those functions through the specific means approved by the Ministry of Defence regulations.
5. In the first application of this decree, under specific agreements for the use and the resulting strategic plans and programs of cultural development, as defined and the contents of Article 112, paragraph 4, of goods cultural and landscape, referred to Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, No 42, as amended, the State shall, within one year from the date of entry into force of this decree, the transfer to Regions and other local authorities, under Article 54, paragraph 3 of that code, goods and things referred to in those agreements for development.
6. In the City 'offices and ports of national importance can be transferred by the Agency-owned property to the City of areas already' including in ports and no more 'functional to' port and capable of public programs of urban renewal, with the approval of the Authority ' port, if established, or the competent authorities' sea.
7. They are in any case be excluded from the goods referred to in paragraph 1, the assets constituting the endowment of the Presidency of the Republic, as well as' property used in any way to the Senate, the House of Deputies, the Constitutional Court, as well as' bodies of constitutional importance.

Article 6 Valuation of assets through mutual funds real estate
1. In order to promote maximum utilization of assets and the ability to promote 'financial local authorities, including those implementing the policy set out in Article 2, paragraph 5, letter c) of the property transferred to local authorities may, after exploitation, through the procedures for approving changes in the actual planning instrument referred to in Article 2, paragraph 5, letter b), be conferred on one or more 'real estate investment trusts established under Article 37 of Legislative Decree February 24, 1998, No 58, as amended, or pursuant to Article 14-bis of Law January 25, 1994, No 86. Each item and 'given, after its enhancement through the procedures for approving changes in the actual planning instrument, worth the fairness of which' is attested, within thirty days of the request by the Agency of Agency-owned property or land in accordance with their skills.
2. The Deposits and Loans Fund, as listed in 'in Article 3, paragraph 4-bis of Decree-Law of 10 February 2009, n. 5, with amendments, into law April 9, 2009, No 33, can 'participate in the funds referred to in paragraph 1.
3. The contributions of real estate funds made pursuant to this Order shall apply in all cases, the facilities referred to in paragraphs 10 and 11 of Article 14-bis of Law January 25, 1994, No 86.

Article 7 decrees biennial award
1. With effect from 1 January of the second year following the date of entry into force of this Decree, with one or more 'decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers, adopted every two years on the proposal of Minister of Economy and Finance, consultation with the Minister for reforms for federalism, with the Minister for Relations with the Regions and the other Ministers responsible for matters at the request of regional and local authorities on under the provisions of Articles 1, 2, 4 and 5 of this Decree, may be given additional assets may become available for further transfers.
2. The local authorities concerned can identify and request additional assets not included in previous decrees it 'in the previous action of the Director of the Property. Such assets are transferred by the President of the Council of Ministers adopted pursuant to paragraph 1. Such requests and 'with a report stating the benefits to government from a different functional use of goods or a better value in their local office.

Optimum use Section 8 of public goods by local authorities
1. The local authorities in order to ensure the best use of public property for the discharge of public functions assigned primary, they can consult with each other and with peripheral administrations of the State, including special purpose conferences convened by the President to coordinate services the Regional Council or his delegate. The results of the consultations are submitted to the Ministry of Economy and Finance to better prepare future proposals within its competence and can be called in support of demands made by each institution.

Article 9 Final provisions 1. All documents, contracts, formality 'and other implications for the implementation of this Decree shall be exempt from all rights and duties.
2. With one or more 'decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance, in consultation with the Minister, the Minister for the simplification of legislation, the Minister for reforms for federalism and the Minister for relations with the regions, in agreement enshrined in the Joint Conference pursuant to Article 3 of Legislative Decree 28 August 1997, No 281, are determined mode ', to reduce, from the first financial year following the date of transfer, the resources of any kind belonging to the Regions and local authorities together and to an extent equal to the reduction of tax revenues resulting from the adoption of the decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers referred to in Articles 3 and 7.
3. Participation in the expenditure relating to property transferred pursuant to the provisions of this Decree shall not apply with respect to the constraints of the Stability Pact 'internal, to an amount equal to the costs already' incurred by the State for the management and maintenance of assets transferred . This amount and 'determined by the criteria and in the manner' identified by the President of the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance, to be adopted within sixty days from the date of entry into force of this decree. The Minister of Economy and Finance and 'authorized to make the necessary budgetary changes for the reduction of allocations of expenditure involved.
4. By decree of President of the Council of Ministers, adopted on the proposal of the Minister of Finance, in relation to transfers of property under this decree, and 'to ensure coherence between the reorganization and reallocation of functions and allocation of human and financial resources, with the proviso that the transfer function corresponds to a transfer of staff to avoid any duplication of functions.
5. The resulting net resources to each region and local authority in any future alienation of properties of available assets assigned to them under this decree as well as' those arising from the eventual sale of shares in real estate funds, where those goods have been delivered by the territorial are acquired for an amount equal to seventy-five percent of them. The above resources are devoted to reducing the debt of the institution, and only in the absence of the debt or any portion but not for the excess at the expense of investment. The remaining share of the twenty-five per cent and 'intended to fund for the redemption of bonds. By decree of the Prime Minister and adopted within sixty days from the date of entry into force of this Decree, upon proposal of the Minister and Finance, in consultation with the Minister, the Minister for Relations with the Regions and the Minister for reforms for federalism, lays down the detailed 'implementation of this paragraph. Each region or local authority can 'make sale of real estate assigned under this Decree after confirmation of the adequacy' of the value of the property by the State Property Agency or of the land in accordance with their skills. The certificate and 'made within thirty days of the request.
6. Implementation of this Decree and 'still ensure compliance with the provisions of Article 28 of Law May 5, 2009, No 42. This decree, bearing the seal of the State, shall be 'included in the official collection of normative acts of the Italian Republic. E 'is mandatory for all to observe and enforce them. Given in Rome, goodbye 'May 28, 2010 NAPOLITANO Berlusconi, Prime Minister Giulio Tremonti, Minister of Economy and Finance Bossi, minister for reforms for federalism Calderoli, Minister for Regulatory Simplification Lease, Minister for Relations with regions Ronchi, Minister for European Policy Maroni, Minister Brunetta, Minister for Public Administration and Innovation Seen,: Alfano

Do Gay People Get Diverticulitis

Grottaglie is watching ... Free supply of aviation domain property

press release Civic Rebirth

The City of Grottaglie must apply for and obtain the free supply of goods
of aircraft which are on demesne Grottaglie!

The ineptitude, incapacity, indifference, insolence, presumption and so on. of those who govern us that we wanted all these long twenty years to the City of Grottaglie, threatens to become a burden far too heavy in the current economic conditions.
E 'was recently approved by the Government DECREE OF n.85 May 25, 2010 on so-called "Federalism state property."
With this decree is the possibility, for local governments that so request and hold a series of requirements under the scheme, to obtain the free supply, and emphasize "free" of property belonging to the state land.
Among the goods of the abstract state land subject to transfer free of charge to local authorities, also include those of the domain of aeronautics.
We all know very well that Grottaglie airport has been tightened in a "grip" between the interests of the airport of Bari and Brindisi, crafted to prevent the opening of our airport to civilian flights. We also know that this "strategy" provides the ability to occasionally throw some "illusion" re-opens Grottaglie airport, with the firmest, retropensiero adamant that nothing will, and above all nothing will ever really out to reopen.
E 'therefore absolutely essential to avoid this "yoke" and free themselves from the bondage of Bari and Brindisi.
the opportunity to do this "theoretically" there. This opportunity is given just by the recent Legislative Decree 85, May 28, 2010, and the opportunity to seek and obtain the free supply of aviation domain property found in Grottaglie.
but let's face those who minister to us, look what they did and what they have done, look in his face the second file, the supporters of the mayor, the deputy mayor, the councilors, the city councilors, but do you think these people are able to exploit such an occasion as did not even deign to go and read this legislative decree?


Saturday, June 19, 2010

How To Change Language In Batman Xp



comments Rebirth Civic

earliest observations to the draft "Rules for the conduct of referenda and other initiatives to participate"

1) In general you should note that the regulation of the City Grottaglie must first be consistent with the predictions of the Statute of the City.

2) E 'is well known that the municipal statute, the new institutional and constitutional system of Local Government, takes the form of regulatory action of atypical paraprimario rank or sub prime, placed in a position of primacy over secondary sources of Regulations and under the law of substance, as they sought to establish the basic standards and to put an organization of the general criteria for its operation, to be developed in the regulations (see Cass. Civ. Sec. A. 6/16/2005 No 12868).

3) E 'therefore need to keep in mind that the second paragraph of Article 6. 51 of the Charter Municipal Grottaglie, the perimeter area of \u200b\u200bintervention of the implementing regulation of the institution of the referendum, in particular by limiting the determination of the "further implementation" and the discipline of "process to verify the regularity and eligibility of claims referendum. "

4) That said, the municipal regulation implementing institution referendum as described in the Charter of the City of Grottaglie, can not and must not have other duties, nor, especially, can add restrictions or limitations on recourse to 'Institute Advisory referendum, as well as clear from the municipal statute or by general principles, which do not appear to be justified by the need to simply ensure the implementation modalities of the referendum or to verify the regularity and eligibility of applications of the same referendum.

5) In this perspective, it seems legitimate to resort to the restriction of the Institute referendum limited to only three questions to be proposed annually, as follows from Articles. 2, 3 and para 10 of the draft regulation, or restriction to allow the same organizing committee can not propose more than one referendum question (Article 7, paragraph 2 of draft Regulation).

6) This is because of the restrictions and limitations that would reveal just where you need to insist on their estimate, a sort of "fear of democracy," and represent only the will to build a kind of "bureaucratic wall" erected essentially to "defend itself" from instances of democratic participation.

7) Indeed, not only the municipal statute and the most obvious and elementary principles of democratic participation, primary principles, to be ineligible for subordinated to other interests (and places known to be the foundation of so-called "primary" that are carried out by some political forces in their choice of candidates in competitive elections), but also the logic and common sense prevent the restriction of the possibility of using the institute referendum just three questions to be proposed to limit the annual or proposal from the same Committee promoter only one referendum question.

8) Indeed, if the referendum at a cost (a cost and have it for sure), why (do not come cheap!) Provide more referendums (although at a distance of at least one year the 'each other) but if it is possible to combine in a single referendum questions all the same? And why not also allow the same organizing committee to gather together all the necessary signatures for the proposition of the questions?

9) Nor is it permissible to justify such restrictions, claiming that the people get confused before seven, eight, nine or ten referendum questions.

10) would be unacceptable and intolerable to even think you can tell, on the one hand, the public policy professionals, presumptively (or rather presumptuously) capable of doing and undoing in politics and administration of public affairs, and on the other hand, citizens are not professional politicians, "incapable" and "Obtuse", which would not be able to read and decide anything about the political choices and / or administrative.

11) Moreover, there is no reason why even those who sit in a council or a municipal council can pick and choose, even in the same meeting of council or city council, six, seven, eight, nine or ten issues on the agenda, or even choose and decide on hundreds of issues a year, while the rest of the citizens would be able to choose and decide to propose on only three, at most, issues a year!

12) Moreover, it is good to keep in mind that by municipal referendum would exit just simply a proposed resolution of the City Council. A proposal is certainly important and influential by definition, as coming directly from the electorate, but still a proposal before which the City Council, elected and legitimized by the same electoral body, must still assess whether and how it actually follow a decision his own.

13) There may be, indeed, even cases of referendum questions that could give substance to proposals for deliberation by the City Council are extremely harmful or dangerous for the most varied and unpredictable profiles, which brought in the City Council may, justifiably, also refuse to act, unless of course adequately and convincingly justify its decision.

14) Moreover, when many were proposed referendum questions, the solution in such cases, it can never be to restrict the rights of democratic participation. Indeed, apart from the fact that this would be a very serious infringement of the rights of democratic participation, rights, as stated, to rank primary to be ineligible for subordinated to other interests (including economic), however, in such circumstances would be all 'as possible and must play just two or three referendums in two or three separate days, rather than forcing the rights of democratic participation in the narrow limit of three referendum questions to be proposed annually, or nell'altrettanto narrow limit of a single referendum question be proposed by the organizing committee.

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municipal referendum - UPDATE



Civic Renewal has asked the City Council with a petition, and the regulation to make municipal referendums, as provided by municipal statute. The signatures were collected and presented last fall.

In December, the City responds that if the regulation is working on the First Committee which will meet in the same month.

Civic Renaissance presents its findings and is admitted at a meeting in February 2010.

During the next meeting in June in which he participates Civic Renewal, is distributed a draft in which they are not incorporated the comments of Rebirth. The meeting is deferred until a later date.

After about a year after the submission of signatures, more than 10 years after the approval of the municipal statute, and given the slow progress in tackling the problem, Rebirth will enforce the will in the appropriate citizens to finally have an implementing regulation of municipal referendums.

see also

Friday, May 14, 2010

Play Funbrain Playground

Here's how to save toads

If you have not participated in the campaign "Night of the Toads" maybe it's because ...

you do not like animals, do not have time to devote to others
-have little regard for other species-
think that someone else do the work for you

Whatever reason you have not driven to participate should push you to watch this video!

You may find that you like-animals because they are defenseless creatures
-your time is short, but life returned to a living being is worth more than anything else
-man 's not the only inhabitant of the Earth
-Your help is essential to the success of a rescue

Enjoy ...

Bufo Bufo toads and his friends

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Happened To Annabelle Chong

Save Them!

Sad and long memory of toads between Br and Ca 'del Bosco in Piedmont. The traffic situation between the two cities is so great as to make that small biodiverse creatures are in constant danger.
Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta is calling for you to organize a site in the area of \u200b\u200bsaving for these small little toads.

... Do not Kill Them Save Them from the road!

Monday, March 22, 2010

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Bufo Bufo said ... Demonte

They leave the initiatives of all sites rescue. Eye of the road is wet ... and toads begin our migration to mate. Bufo bufo, toad the head, said: "We have to blame us if we are slower than your bombastic pieces of iron?" - "Let us go and be careful where you put your feet / wheels and if you have some 'good will take the buckets and help us to cross. Biodi but we want to live like you ... cra cra cra "

Monday, March 15, 2010

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and Aisone: new recommendations for possible rescue sites

New records arrive at the site of Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Via Thouar, 8!
phones and computers are only the means through which pass the reports of citizens. Every day, thanks to our local clubs riuciamo to give answers that are difficult trovrsi elsewhere.
These days there are frequent questions about the campaign "The Night of the Toads," numerous reports of possible sites for rescue come with us! We can not be happy! BUT WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS to be in charge PRACTICE TO SAVE toads!

continued to send signals and do not hesitate to ask about the campaign "Night of the Toads" We look forward to ;-)

Friday, March 12, 2010

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Press Turin, March 12, 2010

Back again this year "THE NIGHT OF THE TOAD"
Many volunteers Legambiente committed this year to save the toads love the cars each year are decimating populations of Bufo bufo (this is the scientific name of the common toad) during the migration to wetlands that toads do for mating and reproduction. The circles Legambiente are organizing the rescue operation that iniziaranno in the coming days and will last about ten days.
Night of the Toads, the Legambiente campaign aimed at the protection of amphibians, is included in initiatives Legambiente dedicated to the Countdown 2010 Biodiversity. Since this year the UN-declared as "International Year for Biodiversity" is proposed through this Campaign, concrete actions of active volunteering to protect and preserve the natural environment and biodiversity.
The initiative aims to raise awareness and protect habitats and species threatened by human activities, but also wishes to inform to increase knowledge of wet systems, promoting concrete actions to protect and preserve the natural environment.
"The Night of the Toads with the participation of many volunteers involved in rescue operations to limit the massacres that every year decimating amphibian populations - says Vanda Bonardo, President Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta - We need teams of volunteers in the evening, when the animals begin their movement, assist them in crossing roads. With this campaign we offer several volunteers to spend some nights to save the toads in love, and together with friends and family, often unknown worlds to discover, to experience the region and the relationship with nature in a different way. "
Few people know that amphibians inhabiting the planet earth from more than 250 million years, but today many of them are at risk of disappearing. For the permeability of their skin are more sensitive to various toxic agents or climatic and environmental change. By virtue of this fact, organizations are to be taken as indicators of environmental degradation. The data on the health of amphibian populations could therefore be used to identify vulnerable areas from an environmental perspective.
For children, Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta, in collaboration with the sector protected areas of the Piedmont Region and the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences, has developed specific teaching and educational materials available to all schools in Piedmont, which may require kits at the Association.
All interested in "Night of the Toads" can visit the website www.legambientepiemonte.it or real-time updates on Facebook and Twitter by searching for "The Night of the Toads."
For more information:
Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Via
Thouar 8 - Torino Tel 011.2215851

Press Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta: Fabio
Dovana 392.9935376

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News from Rivarossa

Saturday 20 will be mounted Rivarossa barriers to prevent the toads come out into the fray on the streets.

Keep up to date on the website of Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where Can I.get.cathetors Without A Prescription

O toad co the day

ARIES: This Thursday could be a day of rest but all you seem to put into action with its volervi Venus stimulating the mark. An affirmative answer will receive it today and this is just what you had hoped. Excellent!

TORO: The day promises to be more profitable in the first part, rather than in the evening. You can also get good results from the economic side. The night, though, you have to do it again with some loving skirmish. Perhaps your dear love demands your attention.

GEMINI: Thursday particularly busy in the field of love. Probably it will be some movement of spirit that makes you a little 'possessive. Well, well investigated but is not that you are the violators of something? It happens to be afraid of their own skeletons in the closet!

CANCER: discussions yet possible, perhaps only further questions that are likely to fail, at least in part, to clarify outstanding issues. Just as well, now you have to make clear everything with Venus in Aries, which stimulates the rise in your career. Do not stop for obstacles.

LEONE: Today you may feel a bit 'confused with the Moon appearance in opposition, but fear not because it's just a time of change. Maybe you have to do with some competition that disconcerting. He tries not to talk too loud for your latest projects.

VIRGO: Today you will have to meet certain professional situations. In fact, with Venus in Aries you may want to have improvements in this direction but still difficult to Mercury is not yet the clarity needed to cope with anything. Organization.

LIBRA: There is a sky provocative but stimulating for your existence. So, today you could receive unexpected help from friends of employees. Maybe first fight with a Venus adverse certainly a nice but after you do! Well come on.

SCORPIO: Your love interest seems to still be in its full height. For now, you should try to be less manic, so to speak, regarding your desire to emerge at all costs. Mars and the Moon will now make it difficult intractable. Caution.

SAGITTARIUS: P orterete important to continue the negotiations under way with the right strategies. However, today you will be able to score excellent written contracts. Friendships can help even if only morally, you'll be a good time to trade. Next!

CAPRICORN: This Thursday might feel some discomfort here and there. Today you say no to too much heavy work commitments. Disturbances are seasonal and will be well rest as much as possible. Perhaps the tensions of the period make you more vulnerable. Caution.

AQUARIUS: Today the Moon clashes with Mars in the sign making a bit 'in your daily agitation. So try to be more diplomatic. With your current partner, for example, you could communicate better the ambiguous behavior of recent times. You are only taken from the very practical issues.

FISH Try not to talk too much around your project. Know to be incisive in your environment, but perhaps you might be emerging from some competition even disguised as friendship, yes, self-styled! Be careful, therefore, do not give anyone your trust.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brother Mfc 7420 Papierstau

The first actions of the circles

The toads are moving, the volunteers follow them.
The sunny days of last week had alerted a bit 'all by ensuring that they begin to prepare all the necessary equipment to carry out the rescue of toads. The snow has slowed in recent days, however, Bufo Bufo Toad and his friends amphibians.
Technical Details: a Rivarossa and Vistrorio (Piedmont) barriers will be erected between Friday and Saturday. Now we really
. The campaign to save is to gain a foothold ... snow permitting, of course!

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How does saving Toads

The "rescue" Toads of shooting with spring approaching, toads and frogs when they wake up from hibernation in ground and move in search of ponds where spawning. In this "journey" towards the water, often have to cross busy roads, moving the time of their return from work, from about 18 to 21. In those hours into action our volunteers walk the streets where the crossings take place, take the frogs, put them in a bucket and carry them across the road. Some stretches

of the road were equipped with nets or other barriers to prevent the amphibians to reach the track until the arrival of volunteers. More rarely have been built "rospodotti, subways by about a meter in diameter to which the animals are routed through the barriers of conveyance.

When Will The Body Style Change

O toad co of days

ARIES: Try to avoid putting further important issues. You may well decide definitely to use more diplomacy to deal with situations, and will do well. Venus in the sign promotes the ambition and certainly do not let go but, yes, better not bite!

TORO: come of this in your professional life but do not forget the love and friendships that help silence your ascent. So, do not forget those behind the scenes people who are rooting for you. In the evening, organized something special for them!

GEMINI: come of this in your professional life but do not forget the love and friendships that help silence your ascent. So, do not forget those behind the scenes people who are rooting for you. In the evening held something special for them!

CANCER: A Wednesday where you can struggle to something or someone. You'll probably be dealing with a colleague or more will require your attention. It 'just to clarify. Proved to be not only diplomats but also combative. E 'recommended!

LEONE: Cambiamenti. Davvero tanti cambiamenti soprattutto nella vostra sfera professionale. C'è un progetto che vi apporta vere e proprie soddisfazioni. Allora vivete il momento positivo, godetevelo a pieno, va tutto bene, anche se dovrete lavorare davvero molto!

VERGINE: Continua la fase di recupero nelle relazioni di sempre. Il dialogo riprende ad essere più costruttivo. Sono possibili incontri interessanti per chi fosse ancora solo ma è sempre consigliabile non fare progetti di lunga durata. Flirt intensi ma con persone sfuggenti.

BILANCIA: Un mercoledì non proprio all rest, some great little contrast with yourself and those close to you. You will receive criticism? Go on your way that, despite some wrangling goes on. Do not be too hard especially with your family.

SCORPIO: There's nothing to do, you are thrown in your career so much, you forget about someone who so eagerly awaits. Maybe, after work, you could run to forgive you. There will benefit both mind and in body. Eros? Eros!

SAGITTARIUS: There are good chances to make good business. These deals could come always from the real estate industry. It 'still, you should not be consumed with haste to conclude. And, above all, do not overlook the bureaucratic details. Counsel with an investment adviser.

CAPRICORN: A Wednesday to surprise with Mercury activator. Something unexpected will come at an emotional level in your life. It might be someone important to you that will give you a piece of news just as crucial. Perhaps a deal that will satisfy even the moral sense.

AQUARIUS: This Wednesday is one of those days that would be good to reap the benefits of your latest work. So, rejoice in what comes into your life. Reflection with Mars still difficult. Settle for what is right now, which is no small thing.

FISH Good news from the front of satisfaction. You may also get some good news today about your career. Seize the opportunity and you have no qualms. There is a step forward with regard to your role, in addition to the clatter of noise of money!