Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kitchen Table On Everybody Loves Raymond

Italy wishes! Grottaglie

on a crumbling wall of the Roman street in the historic center of our city, it says: "WL'Italia.
The time consumption of the tuffs, the plaster is almost eaten away by weather and neglect. But years later, we read, miraculously, the writing. Every time I step away from the Roman, I can not help but stop to read it, trying to imagine the hand of grottagliese that, with the red paint of the Passion, wrote their own national anthem. I have often heard the desire to photograph, so that when it is completely erased, and it retains, by me and those who come after me. Today, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, I hope my fellow citizens, overcoming mistrust, indifference and ideological barriers, contribute actively "Renaissance civic Grottaglie, anchored to its past and preserving the signs, including material with pride, because, as he said Indro Montanelli, "a country that has its own yesterday, can not have a tomorrow."                                                                                           Loredana Russo

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But there is a municipal authority? There is a Council for the Environment? And if there is, who is the owner? There are legitimate questions as it is only by chance that, at least for now, the belly of our land will not be forced to "digest" some wastes from ENEL Brindisi Federico II. See and read the following sentence with which the device TAR Lecce rejected an appeal by Ecolevante for the disposal of certain wastes from Enel Brindisi Federico II. After having seen and read, ask yourself: Why the City of Grottaglie do not know and / or do not ...?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blood Blister On My Dogs Leg

Survey of Civic Renewal: How long have not voted and especially Why?

How long mainly because they do not vote and 'what not exercised' and that 'a right but, as stated in Article .48 of the Constitution Italian, even a civic duty?
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years
6 years
7 years
8 years free polls
Leave a comment with your reason for dissatisfaction with the policy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can I Smoke With A Popped Blood Vessel In Eye

Etta Ragusa Monitor on Thursday, but not too serious an interview

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Etta Ragusa, candidate for mayor, Elections 2011 in Grottaglie

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Interview with Gianni Lannes in the last word - BBC2

This evening at about 23 during the transmission The last word RAI 2 , will air an interview with the journalist Gianni Lannes on sanitopoli Puglia.

For more information on Gianni Lannes, we refer here .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Conference organized by LEGAMBIENTE Waste Disposal - live streaming video

The event will be 'streamed ON THIS SITE
Friday, March 11, 2011 17:00
Hall of Mirrors - Palace of City


Francesco Tarantini ; Delays in the management of the waste cycle in Puglia
(President Legambiente Puglia)

Leo Corvace ; ; Situation plant in Taranto and province
(Steering Legambiente Taranto)

Antonio Lupo ; landfill for hazardous waste in the province of Taranto: (Committee supervises the landfill) ; the ugly history of the landfill Ecolevante

Massimo Blonda                                                controls on the waste cycle in Puglia
(scientific director of ARPA Puglia)


Tonia Riccio (Head office waste management Puglia Region)
Gianni Florido (Presidente Provincia di Taranto),
Ezio Stefano (Sindaco di Taranto),  
Angelo Miccoli (Sindaco di Statte),
Stefano Ciafani (responsabile scientifico nazionale di Legambiente)

Lunetta Franco (President of the Circle of Legambiente Taranto)

The event is organized under the patronage of the Municipality of Taranto moral

Sorority Position Ideas


" The problem is the word ethics. Not to mention Ethics of Revolution. What until recently was an obsolete word, considered a hypocrite, even a taboo ', today became the flag of those who want, stubbornly, to make a difference. Certainly we live in a time when the individual is responding to the sacred right to react to the hole created in the calendar of endurance limit, where even a dog barking continually at being deprived of a livable area or even a blind man asking for help while trying to make it on just walk around the city .

coimplica But the word ethics, ethics that there is, the word rationality, without which civilized behavior, respect for the community, conscientious, you can not 'be. That contradicts himself with the ease that the same individual has in labeling others through symbols, colors, trends, characteristics. But this is also part of the human need to categorize, identify and identify with something. More 'than human may be just an animal instinct. The dog sniffs the enemy ol'amico, is something instinctive that allows him to have or not to be afraid, to defend or attack.

And this happens in a split second, or trafficking in persons, in a few hours. Unfortunately if you do not like this, the individual is lost, not know where to hold the individual needs of the label: "what is left, that's right, that's gay, that is of easy virtue, that's stupid, that's radical-chic, gauche-caviar, what is a lick, that is subservient, that's a fascist, a communist one, which he has the deaf, that's a poor man, that's a hypocrite, that is with them, that is a fool or a pig .. etc Old words without even fantasy. In a moment of the election campaign then, the "adjectives" are wasted

And who feels the victim of these catalogs, which often è addebitabile a supposizioni non provate o a personali problemi, ricade nell’errore della catalogazione. Si potrebbe istituire presso l’ufficio anagrafe una sorta di archivio a premi per chi colleziona piu’ aggettivi o piu’ insulti. Possiamo dedurre quindi quanto sia difficile parlare di Etica, perché forse etico è divenuto l’aggettivo degli aggettivi, la parola che supera per buon senso tutti gli epiteti e gli appellativi.  

Chi puo’ usare questa parola? Difficile dirlo, ma andando per esclusione, non certo chi è vittima di impulsi, ricollegandosi al concetto di razionalità fondamentale, che lo portano a insultare, catalogare ed etichettare il prossimo, so many of us who do it because it's like I said it's human instinct or primitive. I get angry but only 'when the victims of this ugly human attitude are young people, who have already inherited a city ill, let alone an entire nation. It angers me deeply to see how bad this instinct to label parts from so-called "adult" who should teach lucid, calm, wisdom, that they will become a locomotive of revolution.

And since the game like the stamp at all, as to brand cows, call the so-called taggers during the election campaign, or better Ethic Rebel-chic-chic! And laughs, not to cry, because this lesson I learned from you own "adult", which, at this point, besides the beautiful values \u200b\u200b"ethically" good and correct, I have also taught to discriminate
To my misfortune I was never a hypocrite, I would have more 'friends, nor, unfortunately, are endowed with political jargon that would allow me more' expressive effect, but if there's one thing I learned is how important it is not to be put your feet on the head by anybody or be insulting. My personal best wishes go to all the youth of the city, young age and young at heart, of any color, shape or symbol, party or party, simply because you want to change this city are to be admired. My personal invitation goes to our beloved wise of the city, to act as such, because we know well to tell who was a father for the city and broke the defense and state who is not at all, making it as it stands now, each will have its own adjective. But it 's the case to suspend the reviews maybe.

Grottaglie is Filotette: Sophocles has clearly told the story of the archer-man abandoned for ten years on the island of Lemnos by his supposed friends, for having been bitten by a viper, its foul odor, and he wound screamed in pain. Not to listen more, 'leave him to die alone. Together they were going to conquer Troy. Philoctetes survived, crawled out of his cave only to find some pool of water, feeling a pain in his foot injury infested with worms that no one can 'alleviate suffering worse than dogs skinned in the sun, until a young Neoptolemus, will come to save, although instigated by Ulysses to betray him for his invincible bow, and bring with him "to the native soil of the nymphs maliache, where the hero armed with bronze, shining of the divine fire, reaches all the gods, as well as the peaks of 'Age. "(the chorus of sailors around the third song in the air trans. Cerri)

The tragic chorus transforms man into a hero and save the man is a friend. The tragedy of 409 BC and is the tragedy of abandonment and filia, not in the Aristotelian sense but in what filia take between the fourth and third centuries BC, that is friendship. We are in 2011, human behavior has not changed, hopefully not even change the endings of those old stories.

Grottaglie, you have many friends. Do you have your name in the cave, the mother, acceptance, protection, home. I hope to be able to remain a part, but depends on who will be the custodian, not to go dovermene
again. "

Valerio Tambone

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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The absolution of Etta Ragusa

The February 12, 2010 Etta Ragusa will be paid in the trial was Ecolevante.

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The video presentation of Etta Ragusa by Renaissance Civic

Here's what was said by Etta Ragusa, a mayoral candidate, Sunday, March 6, amazing the number of spectators.

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About the platform for the treatment of hazardous waste .... here, documented, what are the dangers ...

remember that, not surprisingly, hazardous waste (toxic and dangerous) are marked with the following symbol:

About the platform for the treatment and inert, even with chemicals, hazardous and special waste is not hazardous you would like to achieve in Grottaglie
that this could happen in the most stunning and impressive silence of those who govern us and still claim to govern, the dangers are particularly illuminating health and life, documented in the following links:
1) Link1 2) Link2 3) Link3 4) Link4 5) Link5 6) Link6

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Local elections 2011 - Travel Notes

All of us have experienced poor relationships with the local administration. All of us feel discomfort and anxiety we feel in thinking: If we are now so how about the future?

The concern comes from a perfect city to have when we discovered that, in many ways and never without pain, we resi conto che la realtà in cui viviamo non ci piace più. Ma qualunque sia il motivo per cui questa città non ci piace più, è proprio da quel motivo che dobbiamo ripartire per cambiare insieme questa città.

La candidatura, che mi è stata proposta da coloro con i quali, da anni e in ambiti diversi, ho sostenuto o sto sostenendo impegni di sensibilizzazione, denuncia e proposta in questa città, mi è stata presentata come una questione di coscienza e un impegno morale. E così la intendo e così l’ho accettata. Ma per condividerla con chi vuole affrontare con me questo in/carico, questo service to be performed for the city, to show that change is possible and that we must achieve it together.

not just to draw up a program and prepare the lists. This is to bring forth and support this program and these lists on the willingness and commitment to get involved, to get our hands dirty, to practice in our city the broadest form of participatory democracy.

With civic lists for municipal elections, and outside of the packaging of the parties, demonstrate that change is possible is for each of us .

E 'need to engage, or continue to engage, together not only to win elections, but to lay the groundwork for a civil commitment can not end with the cross appears on a ballot .

Professionalism, knowledge, relationships, must be brought into play, to be made by each of us available to a greater cause and a common project of positive change for our city.

is up to each of us to convince and be convinced that change is possible, that depends on us and that must continue after the elections.

parties bearers of ideology is no longer credible because they have lost sight of the goal of common good, when they have not even replaced with the interests of party or, worse, the interest staff.

Our power is to achieve the common good in our city. Common good which probably every one of us prefers or likes or feels a particular aspect, but that certainly is neither personal interest or partisan interests.

If we share this great project. If we want to put into practice the positive change for our city. The appropriate time is this.

change that we need to be players, will be possible if we put together on the road. The way is, in our case, the protagonist of the adventure. A common process of participatory democracy.

A city can not be changed only with the vote and with the delegation in its entirety, but we can and must change with the genuine participation in the life and achievement of the "polis", ie the place where "many" live. Participation from top to bottom and from bottom to top, 365 days a year!

E 'analysis of the real, which is not rosy and that each of us has knowledge from personal experience, that it must be assumed. Grottaglie so that the vision of a different and better, we all cherish, is achievable.

But it's just putting the work that we can experience what we can do. Not enough to want to climb a mountain, or explore an abyss, it is necessary to measure with the test and it can be done only by trying. One step at a time and together.

With anger, civil courage and commitment, there must be a moral duty to show that we are healthy carriers of hope. To live better today and lay the foundations for a better tomorrow.
For a concrete and positive change in our city, our Grottaglie, do not hesitate to walk together! Good Way!
Etta Ragusa

Friday, March 4, 2011

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citizen Renaissance Civic Movement presents Professor Etta Ragusa as mayoral candidate for the forthcoming municipal elections in Grottaglie.
The presentation will take place Sunday, March 6 at 19:00 during a public meeting organized by the Civic Renewal movement at the conference room of the Bishop's Castle in Grottaglie. Renaissance Civic Movement, which has long interpreter is being done to those who feel the need and want a positive change for the city, was born in July 2009 after a public meeting which had as its theme "It 's possible rebirth civica di Grottaglie?”.  A distanza di circa due anni, cittadini grottagliesi impegnati in vari ambiti della vita sociale della città, hanno voluto dare una risposta positiva a quella domanda e, nell’incontro di domenica 6 marzo, nel presentare la loro candidata alla carica di sindaco nella persona della professoressa Etta Ragusa, inviteranno quanti vogliono partecipare attivamente al progetto di una Grottaglie diversa e migliore a sostenere la sua candidatura.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Etta Ragusa will be nominated by the Mayor Grottaglie citizens

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Fame Festival, art against the landfill - Il Sole 24 Ore

... express the horror of the landfill capacity for hazardous waste "in town" by one of the past administrations Today, however, many of the works, colorful and brilliant on the walls Grottaglie, I'm really against "her."
Stories of enthusiasm and enterprise that have become models for those who want to make culture

'stories with enthusiasm and of entrepreneurs who have become role models for those who want to make culture. " Thus, in an article published on Sunday 17 October, Serena Danna defines some Italian responding, in fact, the issues raised by Christian Raimo: we say the "full", of which he speaks in a vacuum. Pick up and tell these experiences, does not mean denying the urgency of the debate sparked by Raimo, but also show an Italy that is able to move something in the culture, to invent ways to do it, despite everything. Page two Sundays ago, just was not big enough to hold all the most significant cases. So, we stretch a list yet extensible, highlighting other realities, which have grown increasingly reacting variously to the Italian situation. ...

Fame Festival. Without the institutions, as against.

A Studio Cromie they are two, Angelo Milano and his dog. From there it all began, from a tiny studio that makes silkscreens in Grottaglie, Apulia. Fame Festival, now in its third edition, comes when Angelo invites artists who know to act visibly on the walls of his town, without seeking any permission. If at first believed to be allowed to rest, even economically, to the City, soon realizes that such funding would be unacceptable for him to compromise.
Using funds administration, for example, could ask "his" artists to express the horror of the landfill capacity for hazardous waste "in town" by one of the past administrations Today, however, many of the works, colorful and brilliant on the walls of Grottaglie, I'm really against "her."
And if the first edition was an experiment, now the Festival, with its family organization (artists from the grandmother of Angelo sleep and eat at the home of his mother) is going to booming: abroad everyone knows, it takes many pages in major publications (Beyond Streets, ed. Gestalten), and besides known as Blue Italian and Ericailcane, arrive in Grottaglie also international stars such as Jr (France), Os Gemeos (Brazil), David Ellis (USA). The festival is entirely self-produced, thanks to the works left by artists that he has been able to sell well, earning. And if at first the paintings were illegal opposed by people of the country, today many call a "mural" for their property.

to read the whole article

to see one of the works that speak of the landfill

30 Oct 2010

Wojciech Herman Gliwice

Success of civic: removed via Marconi antenna

With the Renaissance Civic grottagliese so you can
After negotiations lasting more than three years, and after promptly remitted to the Telecom
so Grottaglie Civic rebirth can

After negotiations lasting more than three years, and after promptly remitted to Telecom's significant that monthly checks continued to arrive even after the lawful termination of contract Bakery owner of Marconi, Pasquale Santoro, forced Telecom to fully dismantle the antenna installed.

The Chambers. Antonio Lupo has seen Mr. Santoro in neither easy nor short story, the termination of the contract with Telecom until the final decommissioning of the mobile phone installed on the pavement of the building in Via Marconi, in the street and above the bakery.
In fact, after the start of construction of the antenna, in October 2007, following the intervention of the Committee against Electrosmog who had been alerted by citizens who live in Via Marconi, Mr. Santoro was aware of the health risks that such an installation would entail and the first of which no one had warned him, and decided to terminate the contract with Telecom in 2006.
Termination that has been possible for the glaring failures of both Telecom and the City of Grottaglie.
But only a commendable act of good citizenship is not enough to foil all of the risks caused by pollution from mobile and the number of existing antennas and for any other that could be installed, since until to date, and despite repeated requests, the city administration has not prepared any plans for mobile telephone masts.
                   Etta Ragusa
                                                                     Civic rebirth - Grottaglie

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Definitions Screensavers

Civil wars in the East in the Arab countries

In Arab countries the people are rebelling against decades of tyranny, before the fall of Egypt with Mubarak, now in Libya with Gaddafi. The crackdown by the Libyan government has already caused more than a thousand deaths. The military Stassi firing their relatives and friends, this is madness ... should be the first to cease hostilities and to ensure that the dictatorial regime of Gaddafi ends without bloodshed.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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I'm tired of turning the channels and see the Big Brother 11, transformed by the TG4, the island's famous, the news about the murders of children made into products to make plays, and then money. I'm tired of seeing Italy more and more trash TV that is politics. Italians sleep

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Letter to the Mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino

Friday, February 4, 2011

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service restoration in Naples City Council is entrusted to the LSU

"troubling realization" explains some mysterious cleaning took place recently on some important monuments located in the historic center of precious Naples

A short walk from the Historical Archives of Naples writes another sad page for the Historic Centre of Naples, Heritage Site since 1995. In fact, during this day the City of Naples is at the heart of controversy in June 2009 when he turned 426 ex-prisoners in the stocks for visitors to the city, the protagonist returns a unique initiative.
From early February for those who are taking square Arcangelo Scacchi will find a group of social service providers working as gains in novice restorers clean-century bridge that allows you to pass by because of the large archive via the adjacent Miroballo .
The so-called professionals who met in small group of 7 persons, complete with a bib with the logo of the City of Naples, with the inscription "Restoration of Monuments", marked the area of \u200b\u200bintervention with masking tape and then proceed to clean up, brush strokes of iron, an area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge vandalized by graffiti.
"In 2008, with the collaboration of Antonio Pariante Portosalvo Committee, presented the City a project called sentinart which involved the use of restorers graduates, recruited from the city's university, as people for monitoring and clean up graffiti art sites in the UNESCO area - explain to the members of the Young Portosalvo - be aware that this project has served as inspiration to give employment to social LSU is disarming "

And that's why college students Portosalvo group led by Dr. Young. Marcello Mottola and Dr. Marianna Vitiello have decided to present in mass to the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture and building an application for employment with the Service Restoration Monuments of the City of Naples in order to flank the LSU in the cleaning of monuments defaced.
"The initiative is obviously a provocation - Marcello said Mottola, who graduated in Restoration at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa and among the authors of the draft sentinart of the project - to understand that it can not be entrusted to people with no professional assistance in such sensitive areas even protected by UNESCO. Everything becomes paradoxical if we think that Naples has the only University of the South that can form professional restorers "
The City of Naples, so it seems to cut the art of getting by with much less to minimize negative effects produced by non-professional intervention.

Friday, January 21, 2011

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Monday, January 17, 2011

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Monuments ruined by the City, the complaint


monumental works corroded? "Guilt of the institutions'

NAPLES - If vandalize monuments in the city are graffiti artists, is a sign of a pervasive social unease. If, however, are damaging to the institutions themselves, it means that the paradox has now found permanent residence in the city of Partenope. The complaint committee Portosalvo reveals one of the many contradictions typical Neapolitan mind: statues and monuments, abandoned for years, for the first time is cleaned of municipal administration and supervision. Too bad that the two bodies, together, have very clear ideas on cleaning of stone surfaces. The last works, in fact, were made with sand, highly corrosive material for monumental works.

David Gambardella ( reserved Reproduction ©)

Friday, January 14, 2011

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Press - Writing on the wall the alarm cleaners

Corriere del Mezzogiorno Naples / January 13, 2011 - pag. 9

NAPLES - The phenomenon of Written and spray paint on the monuments is very serious, but the city seems to have found a more invasive of the same massacre. To denounce the committee Portosalvo who noted how, in recent months some of the monuments of Naples have been mysteriously cleaned up. As the front of Castel Capuano in the arrival of the minister or by Alfano facade of the church of Santa Chiara. "If you try to solve this problem - says the chairman of the committee, Antonio Pariante - that afflicts the entire monumental heritage of the city you plan to use machines such as invasive mechanical dropulitrici then may do more damage than that caused by vandals with spray cans>.
The clarification of the Committee concerns, in particular, the recent cleaning of the graffiti that has long disfigured the square of the famous Church of Santa Chiara and course of Castel Capuano reported a few months ago just the same Portosalvo Committee, but also the questionable cleaning took place in secret on the facade of the precious Chapel of the bridges near Pietrasanta. "If this were to be the method that the City and are allowing Superintendent to address the problem of graffiti scarring our monuments then - continues Pariante Antonio - you should leave the ink on all stone surfaces or you risk doing more harm than before and irreversibly>. high pressure water jet machines, which often use sand, effect on its surface, leaving deep scratches.

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The project Sentinart integral part of the Great Old Town UNESCO Programme - Naples


The conservation artifacts, historic heritage and cultural heritage are passed down through the centuries is becoming increasingly important, even for the succession, in the daily news, episodes of witnessing the serious state of disrepair in which they are exposed to many monuments' disturbing action of the "graffiti". The phenomenon has taken on getting bigger, in close connection with the contradictions of the city and under the strong influence of mass communication, this is a real pollution graph that does not spare even the most important monuments. The problem affects more than 3,500,000 monuments in Europe and, in addition to aesthetic problems, we must emphasize that the interaction graffiti with the substrate material of the work of art involves injury to the work itself. The big cities have had to provide special facilities and services to tackle the problem starting with the difficulties that the government put in place operational procedures to give answers to a social phenomenon that occurs at the same time as the expression as a gesture of freedom and oppression. It must therefore be stated that the "urban graffiti" created on buildings and monuments, has no artistic value, being an action performed on cultural heritage should be regarded as an act of vandalism. It should however be sensitive about the movement of Graffiti Writing, specifying that there are many examples of graffiti art in contemporary art that are closer to the relationship with art and culture, as the authors develop a serious research work and thus have a greater responsibility in the choice of support on which to apply their own paint. So, in some cases the so-called "Art Vandals" is that just because localized media wrong. That's why we believe that the proposed project constitutes only a first valid response to the problem of graffiti, to derive a starting point for future projects to extrapolate the true identity of this creative movement socio - cultural.
The project is Sentinart Officially this program in the Great Old Town UNESCO - Naples. Click here to open link

Monday, January 10, 2011

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Arts & Surroundings : Reply "serious" to "spirited" Free article

Monday, January 10, 2011
restauratori.jpg MARCELLO MOTTOLA
Fellow Gennaro Malgieri (probably a professional journalist, where I am a journalist) has signed article ' Naples is drowning in trash And who could clean the complaint '(as sovratitolo ' Against the civic sense ' and subtitle' An unknown graffiti removed from the monuments, the common threat: it is not his task '), published in the newspaper on Thursday, 30 Free December 2010.
An article of dress, which also wants to emphasize the paradox that an act of "civic" (clean up the facade of a church) could be punished on the complaint of the City Naples (which he had not done him a service to organize maintenance and cleaning of the monuments defaced).
The article certainly hit the contradiction, but - in my opinion - my colleague was on the side that Neapolitans know well, namely that of ' "make do" (attempted solution in individual Alternatively, the failure or inefficient solution of practical problems by the institutions).
To me this is summarized in the theme of "the egalite" : citizens must continue to fend for themselves or ensure that democratic institutions are functioning, that they discharge their duties?!? "With the bucket and sponge" was an initiative of concrete and symbolic cleansing of certain monuments that long ago the Civic Committee of Portosalvo of Naples (with the help of young graduates in restoration) whose purpose is to put the letter in City of Naples for non-construction service for maintenance and cleaning of the monuments defaced (A service exists and works in other Italian cities).
The initiative was reflected in the media, not damage to the monuments and started initial talks with institutions. Here we have to move to a location that combines legal and professional fees. This, in my opinion, the "civic sense" to combine its indignation with the procedures and non-violent methods in order to ensure that the institutions perform their duties! Certainly not continue to make do with the negative effects produced by non-professional assistance! In the absence of a physician mica you take a "barber" (also if in the past centuries the two were interrelated functions)!
conclude with a surreal and provocative proposal in the wake of getting by with regard to the issue of waste. A chain letter on the garbage : every citizen of the province of Naples and "gives" to ten friends or acquaintances outside the region of ten bags of garbage.
Pending the institutions responsible to organize an effective and efficient waste disposal service, this "public spirit" would be operating the equivalent of "public spirit" of those who "cleaned up" dirt from the Church of Santa Chiara in Naples . So Mr Gennaro Malgieri will write another "spirited" article of costume, if police and judiciary should take action against participants in the chain letter in the garbage for "illegal disposal of waste (with the possible aggravating the competition with other )!