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Friday, January 21, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
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Monuments ruined by the City, the complaint
monumental works corroded? "Guilt of the institutions'
NAPLES - If vandalize monuments in the city are graffiti artists, is a sign of a pervasive social unease. If, however, are damaging to the institutions themselves, it means that the paradox has now found permanent residence in the city of Partenope. The complaint committee Portosalvo reveals one of the many contradictions typical Neapolitan mind: statues and monuments, abandoned for years, for the first time is cleaned of municipal administration and supervision. Too bad that the two bodies, together, have very clear ideas on cleaning of stone surfaces. The last works, in fact, were made with sand, highly corrosive material for monumental works.
David Gambardella ( reserved Reproduction ©)
Friday, January 14, 2011
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Press - Writing on the wall the alarm cleaners
NAPLES - The phenomenon of Written and spray paint on the monuments is very serious, but the city seems to have found a more invasive of the same massacre. To denounce the committee Portosalvo who noted how, in recent months some of the monuments of Naples have been mysteriously cleaned up. As the front of Castel Capuano in the arrival of the minister or by Alfano facade of the church of Santa Chiara. "If you try to solve this problem - says the chairman of the committee, Antonio Pariante - that afflicts the entire monumental heritage of the city you plan to use machines such as invasive mechanical dropulitrici then may do more damage than that caused by vandals with spray cans>.
Corriere del Mezzogiorno Naples / January 13, 2011 - pag. 9

The clarification of the Committee concerns, in particular, the recent cleaning of the graffiti that has long disfigured the square of the famous Church of Santa Chiara and course of Castel Capuano reported a few months ago just the same Portosalvo Committee, but also the questionable cleaning took place in secret on the facade of the precious Chapel of the bridges near Pietrasanta. "If this were to be the method that the City and are allowing Superintendent to address the problem of graffiti scarring our monuments then - continues Pariante Antonio - you should leave the ink on all stone surfaces or you risk doing more harm than before and irreversibly>. high pressure water jet machines, which often use sand, effect on its surface, leaving deep scratches.
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The project Sentinart integral part of the Great Old Town UNESCO Programme - Naples
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Monday, January 10, 2011
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Monday, January 10, 2011 | |
Fellow Gennaro Malgieri (probably a professional journalist, where I am a journalist) has signed article ' Naples is drowning in trash And who could clean the complaint '(as sovratitolo ' Against the civic sense ' and subtitle' An unknown graffiti removed from the monuments, the common threat: it is not his task '), published in the newspaper on Thursday, 30 Free December 2010. An article of dress, which also wants to emphasize the paradox that an act of "civic" (clean up the facade of a church) could be punished on the complaint of the City Naples (which he had not done him a service to organize maintenance and cleaning of the monuments defaced). The article certainly hit the contradiction, but - in my opinion - my colleague was on the side that Neapolitans know well, namely that of ' "make do" (attempted solution in individual Alternatively, the failure or inefficient solution of practical problems by the institutions). To me this is summarized in the theme of "the egalite" : citizens must continue to fend for themselves or ensure that democratic institutions are functioning, that they discharge their duties?!? "With the bucket and sponge" was an initiative of concrete and symbolic cleansing of certain monuments that long ago the Civic Committee of Portosalvo of Naples (with the help of young graduates in restoration) whose purpose is to put the letter in City of Naples for non-construction service for maintenance and cleaning of the monuments defaced (A service exists and works in other Italian cities). The initiative was reflected in the media, not damage to the monuments and started initial talks with institutions. Here we have to move to a location that combines legal and professional fees. This, in my opinion, the "civic sense" to combine its indignation with the procedures and non-violent methods in order to ensure that the institutions perform their duties! Certainly not continue to make do with the negative effects produced by non-professional assistance! In the absence of a physician mica you take a "barber" (also if in the past centuries the two were interrelated functions)! conclude with a surreal and provocative proposal in the wake of getting by with regard to the issue of waste. A chain letter on the garbage : every citizen of the province of Naples and "gives" to ten friends or acquaintances outside the region of ten bags of garbage. Pending the institutions responsible to organize an effective and efficient waste disposal service, this "public spirit" would be operating the equivalent of "public spirit" of those who "cleaned up" dirt from the Church of Santa Chiara in Naples . So Mr Gennaro Malgieri will write another "spirited" article of costume, if police and judiciary should take action against participants in the chain letter in the garbage for "illegal disposal of waste (with the possible aggravating the competition with other )! |
Friday, January 7, 2011
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's response to the statements of Portosalvo "A Restoration sas'
Clarification of the clarification
Sometimes the explanations only add words to deeds. The fact is that even a layman (ie non-professionals) that something in the "restoration" of the Church of Santa Chiara in Naples did not go optimally if it can still be seen traces of an inscription (see photo). The clarification is, however, been of some use: for example in relation to the name of the company who made the speech at Church of Santa Chiara. That we had not been able to read the signs (which the law provides for mandatory during the execution of the restoration work) and that instead we could learn from the press! So much for transparency! As well we are comforted to know that the cards are restored at the offices of architectural and historical-artistic supervision of Naples would be more convenient and relevant to read the signs on the type of restoration required during the restoration. One last thing: there was a race or in the name of the hearing there was a direct call? How much money has been allocated for the operation? Even this was written on signs required, simply because there were no explanatory signs or perhaps were stationed from dusk to dawn, so it was a bit 'difficult to read. Here, if there is an urgent restoration work to be done is that of transparency ...!
Civic Committee Portosalvo
Youth Association Portosalvo
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The Morning - 5 / 1 / 2011
The clarification
"Restoration S. Chiara obeying the rules "
In reference to the controversy raised by the association in relation to Portosalvo restorations in Santa Clara to remove graffiti, Valeria Napolitano, head of" A Restoration sas' states that the restoration was made with a duly mandated by the City under the general supervision of the Superintendence of Naples by a specialist. " In detail, the intervention is stressed that "the cleanup was not the case with the sander and did not affect in any way the tuff. " "The boards of restoration - the note concludes - are at the offices of architectural and historical-artistic supervision of Naples."
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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Press - Santa Clara: restoration after graffiti prank, "Damage to the tuff"
The Morning Naples January 4, 2011 - pag. 39
The complaint
Santa Chiara restoration after graffiti prank, "Damage to the tuff"

The complaint
Santa Chiara restoration after graffiti prank, "Damage to the tuff"
After the wild graffiti, repaired rather questionable: The declaration comes from the Youth Committee Portosalvo and concerns the church of Santa Chiara. "The surgery was performed on December 24 the poor - says a resident of the area - in the square there were three girls, two had a white coat and a no. They had blended products according to the writing. Written after the two gates and a third spent a wet sponge to put away what I do not know. At one point he stopped a man who claimed to be expert in the subject because as a youngster had carried out restoration work and has advised that one of these how to handle the brush. " For cleaning mysterious, because during the alleged "restoration" was not exposed to the table provided by law by citing the principal, the amount of work, the designers, the conditions of the municipal enterprise, the project manager, and so on. No sign, no authorization and no control.
Portosalvo Youth Committee have created a file photo to show that the walls were damaged, "the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff visual autopsy shows significantly powdery. The surface layer is compact and white and this is due to heavy abrasion, who removed the first layer of stone. It is probably a result of 1'utilizzo through a sander or a very invasive. "
The association is considering the possibility of presenting, at the Cultural Heritage Unit, a complaint against unknown persons for serious damage to the historic and artistic heritage. "Not only the layer of tuff was heavily damaged, but in many areas the first layer of stone is gone, the paint and graffiti was removed only partially, so much so that in some areas you can not read written. Who did these cleaners and who has authorized them? ".
Monday, January 3, 2011
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Press Review - back to the light and Kosuth St. Clare cleaned by unknown
Corriere del Mezzogiorno Naples December 30, 2010 - pag. Article 7 of Fuan Marino
Kosuth return to light and Clare cleaned by unknown
Corriere del Mezzogiorno Naples December 30, 2010 - pag. Article 7 of Fuan Marino
Kosuth return to light and Clare cleaned by unknown
NAPLES - For the monuments and works of public art, it seems that this Christmas has been a blessing . As if by magic, the light is back on "Dante's Convivio," the work neon signed by the great conceptual artist Joseph Kosuth and exposed on the stairs of the metro station hill. Announcing the repair work, which is off by three months due to a short circuit, were students and graduates in Diagnosis and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the Civic Committee of Santa Mary Portosalvo composed by Marcello Mottola, Maria Vitiello, Luca Martin, Alessia Zaccaria, Mariarosaria Angrisano, Angela Iupariello, Anna Peluso, Federico Tieri, Lucia Cristi, Maira Pesole, Max and Vivian Piccenna Heels. But if the famous passage from Dante's Convivio, which the artist had made in the New York subway station Dante Art in March 2002, is restored, there remains the unresolved problem of manutenzone - for this like all the works present stations - whose responsibility it is unknown as to who should fall.
"Miracle" Christmas is also on two major sites and assembled citizens, cleaned graffiti from mysterious executioners. After the story of the Chapel Pont and the time of the facade of the Church of Santa Chiara, Unesco World Heritage Site since 1995, and Castelcapuano finally clean. But the association "Young Portosalvo ," composed of graduates in Restoration of the Civic Committee of Portosalvo, launches an alarm, however, documented by an extensive photographic record of sites: "The abuse often causes more damage cleaning of ink spray. Visual analysis of the Neapolitan yellow tuff shows significantly powdery surface layer is compact and white and this is due to strong abrasion who removed the first layer of stone. This is probably a results by using a sander, or a similar instrument used by an operator with the restoration has nothing to do. " The young restorers Neapolitan monuments sfregiaci claim for a municipal public service recruits skilled professionals in order to prevent anyone from putting their hands on the monuments.
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Cleanup illegal on the facade of the Church of Santa Chiara
Graffiti on monuments: cleaning abuse causes the most damage of ink spray
DIY Restoration more dangerous graffiti
The photo Portosalvo Youth Association - a signature of new graduates in Restoration of Naples - condemns the massacre took place on the walls of the main facade of the Church of Santa Chiara, Unesco World Heritage Site since 1995.
The association Portosalvo Youth ", which was founded as an offshoot of the Civic Committee of Santa Maria di Portosalvo thanks to some young graduates in the Restoration, is outraged by this unfortunate event and is considering the possibility of presenting, at the Cultural Heritage Unit of Naples, a complaint for serious damage to unknown historical and artistic heritage.
"As you can see from the photos - said Marcello Mottola, who graduated in Diagnostic and Restoration at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples and Portosalvo Youth Coordinator - visual analysis of the Neapolitan yellow tuff shows significantly powdery. The surface layer is compact and white and this is due to strong abrasion who removed the first layer of stone. This is probably a result obtained through the use of a sander, or a similar tool, used da un operatore che con il
restauro non ha nulla a che fare”.
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la fenomenologia di degrado: abrasione del tufo polverizzazione, permanenza della vernice |
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Parziale rimozione della vernice |
L'associazione “Portosalvo Giovani” lancia l’allarme: “Non solo lo strato di tufo was heavily damaged in many areas the first layer of stone is gone, the paint and graffiti was removed only in part - explains Maria Vitiello, graduated in Diagnostic and Restoration - It is natural to wonder who made these cleaners? Who has authorized them? "For the work of cleaning the facade of the Church of Santa Chiara is almost as mysterious table is not required by law, citing its client, the amount of work, designers, Municipal such approval, the company, the project manager, and so on.
What happened to Santa Chiara is dangerous because it gives the illusion, as it always happened in the world of Restoration, which is enough to have a product, have a little 'guides to intervene on the monuments. So what do I need to attend the schools of restoration? What there is to make a law that regulates the activities of restoration?
The growing series of unfortunate incidents that have tarnished the historical center of Naples, UNESCO since 1995, has been a growing awareness that the young Neapolitan restorers must take the field in an active manner, with minimal gestures and non-violent, in order to claim the leadership in the conservation of works of art the city, very often lie in unskilled hands.
For years, the Committee Portosalvo is spent on graffiti vandalism and now, through Portosalvo Young, restorers Neapolitans claim a public service that gives employment to local youth in order to prevent anyone from putting their hands on monuments. A service of cleaning and maintenance of the monuments that can cope with this continuing outrage is more necessary than ever.
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take to the field and graduate students in the restoration of Naples
born Portosalvo Young Portosalvo experience of the Civic Committee, the first youth organization in defense of art
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the logo of the association |
" Portosalvo Youth" initiative of non-violent action for the safeguarding of cultural heritage in Naples.
The growing series of unfortunate incident that marred the historic center of Naples, UNESCO since 1995, has matured the knowledge that each of us can take the field in an active manner in order to protect the historical, artistic and culture.
An antidote to indifference and stress to activate "minimalistically", that is to actualize the old saying "The drop excavates the rock." Young Portosalvo itself as a civic movement, outside the logic of political affiliation, to develop the sites of the city, projects, cultural events, exhibitions, debates, complaint and awareness campaigns on the territory.
Association Membership is open to all and is totally free, just write to the following address
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