Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Maytag Quiet Series 400 Filter

Review videos and documentaries "The Veneto we want to [see] '

hours Friday, October 16 16-23 / / Saturday, October 17 14.30 - 20 and 22-24

The old gunpowder Forte Marghera host for two days of the Veneto that we want a real cinema, an exhibition of documentary films, videos, works professional and amateur, self-produced or endorsed by established documentary filmmakers.
A review of videos and a documentary film about "bottom up" this region: we believe that documentation is necessary to land that brings to light the risks, opportunities and contradddizioni so that, through viewing the film, the citizens can develop a global consciousness necessary for reflection and action for change. Taken together, the video returns a "narrative other" of the Veneto , out of easy stereotypes disseminated by the mainstream media. A sort of audiovisual archive of contemporary Veneto.

Complete program you can download the pdf version here .
Exhibition curated by Marina Resta and Giulio Todescan
[cinemare@googlemail.com - giulio.todescan @ gmail.com]


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