Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where Can I Buy Baggy Sweatpants

bufo bufo ... or a failure Prince Charming!

The common toad (Bufo bufo , Linnaeus 1758) is the largest amphibian ' Europe, and even reaches 20 cm (feet included). It is very common: it is found throughout Europe and North-West of ' Africa . The common toad is protected from Berne Convention for the Protection of wildlife minore.La its color is brown, which may tend to red, the belly tends to be whitish. The skin has many warts , which secrete hallucinogenic substances, including 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine the bufoteninae the buffalo, which will continue hallucinations and state of trance . The pupils are horizontal in the common toad's eye color is dark gold or copper, and in his neck there are two glands parotoidi oval. The animals of the southern distribution area tend to be larger and more skin "thorny" that is, with more prominent warts. A croak rather dull, consisting of 2 to 5 syllables repeated. The vocalizations are not particularly intense compared to the size achieved by this pecie.Prevalentemente night, the day tends to hide in holes or crevices, under stones or in any sheltered from the light, if threatened assumes a characteristic pose with his head down and intimidating backs raised. Compared to Bufo viridis attended environments dry and tends to return in the same pool of water to breed, sometimes even walking several miles. During these trips many breeders are killed by cars because of this, as well as the disappearance of breeding sites, these animals tend to disappear from the more populated areas.

It eats almost anything will be able to enter his mouth, primarily insects, snails , earthworms, small vertebrates such as small mice. After winter hibernation, to coincide with the spring season begins accoppiamenti: i rospi si recano vicino ai luoghi di riproduzione (solitamente vicino a corsi d'acqua, pozze o stagni) verso l'inizio di marzo e lì i maschi si aggrappano alle ascelle delle femmine, che sono visibilmente più grandi. Questo è il cosiddetto amplesso ascellare, a volte la femmina può essere approcciata da cosi tanti maschi da restare soffocata e morire.La femmina depone in acqua circa 10 000 uova in un cordone gelatinoso, contemporaneamente le uova vengono fecondate dal maschio. Queste uova poi si schiuderanno, facendo uscire dei minuscoli esserini neri acquatici: i girini . Questi, nutrendosi soprattutto di alghe e altri minuscoli materiali organici, crescono. La temperatura dell'acqua nella zona decide where you will find the speed of their metamorphosis: the more hot water, the faster the transformation. This is because the high water temperature is a sign that their pool is drying up. Tadpoles to emerge first at the lower legs, and then the front legs from now on begin to fast, because their mouth parts (and digestive) is changing: in fact become omnivorous insect. The metamorphosis takes one or two days, the metamorphosis begins to absorb the tail, and within just 24 - 48 hours disappear. the neometamorfosato is among the smallest of all amphibians: it is about one cm long. Her skin is still smooth to facilitate transpiration. Will fast for about 4 days, since it will use as a nutritional source of energy absorbed tail.


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