Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Local elections 2011 - Travel Notes

All of us have experienced poor relationships with the local administration. All of us feel discomfort and anxiety we feel in thinking: If we are now so how about the future?

The concern comes from a perfect city to have when we discovered that, in many ways and never without pain, we resi conto che la realtà in cui viviamo non ci piace più. Ma qualunque sia il motivo per cui questa città non ci piace più, è proprio da quel motivo che dobbiamo ripartire per cambiare insieme questa città.

La candidatura, che mi è stata proposta da coloro con i quali, da anni e in ambiti diversi, ho sostenuto o sto sostenendo impegni di sensibilizzazione, denuncia e proposta in questa città, mi è stata presentata come una questione di coscienza e un impegno morale. E così la intendo e così l’ho accettata. Ma per condividerla con chi vuole affrontare con me questo in/carico, questo service to be performed for the city, to show that change is possible and that we must achieve it together.

not just to draw up a program and prepare the lists. This is to bring forth and support this program and these lists on the willingness and commitment to get involved, to get our hands dirty, to practice in our city the broadest form of participatory democracy.

With civic lists for municipal elections, and outside of the packaging of the parties, demonstrate that change is possible is for each of us .

E 'need to engage, or continue to engage, together not only to win elections, but to lay the groundwork for a civil commitment can not end with the cross appears on a ballot .

Professionalism, knowledge, relationships, must be brought into play, to be made by each of us available to a greater cause and a common project of positive change for our city.

is up to each of us to convince and be convinced that change is possible, that depends on us and that must continue after the elections.

parties bearers of ideology is no longer credible because they have lost sight of the goal of common good, when they have not even replaced with the interests of party or, worse, the interest staff.

Our power is to achieve the common good in our city. Common good which probably every one of us prefers or likes or feels a particular aspect, but that certainly is neither personal interest or partisan interests.

If we share this great project. If we want to put into practice the positive change for our city. The appropriate time is this.

change that we need to be players, will be possible if we put together on the road. The way is, in our case, the protagonist of the adventure. A common process of participatory democracy.

A city can not be changed only with the vote and with the delegation in its entirety, but we can and must change with the genuine participation in the life and achievement of the "polis", ie the place where "many" live. Participation from top to bottom and from bottom to top, 365 days a year!

E 'analysis of the real, which is not rosy and that each of us has knowledge from personal experience, that it must be assumed. Grottaglie so that the vision of a different and better, we all cherish, is achievable.

But it's just putting the work that we can experience what we can do. Not enough to want to climb a mountain, or explore an abyss, it is necessary to measure with the test and it can be done only by trying. One step at a time and together.

With anger, civil courage and commitment, there must be a moral duty to show that we are healthy carriers of hope. To live better today and lay the foundations for a better tomorrow.
For a concrete and positive change in our city, our Grottaglie, do not hesitate to walk together! Good Way!
Etta Ragusa


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