Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pokemon Silver Soul Hangs

Fame Festival, art against the landfill - Il Sole 24 Ore

... express the horror of the landfill capacity for hazardous waste "in town" by one of the past administrations Today, however, many of the works, colorful and brilliant on the walls Grottaglie, I'm really against "her."
Stories of enthusiasm and enterprise that have become models for those who want to make culture

'stories with enthusiasm and of entrepreneurs who have become role models for those who want to make culture. " Thus, in an article published on Sunday 17 October, Serena Danna defines some Italian responding, in fact, the issues raised by Christian Raimo: we say the "full", of which he speaks in a vacuum. Pick up and tell these experiences, does not mean denying the urgency of the debate sparked by Raimo, but also show an Italy that is able to move something in the culture, to invent ways to do it, despite everything. Page two Sundays ago, just was not big enough to hold all the most significant cases. So, we stretch a list yet extensible, highlighting other realities, which have grown increasingly reacting variously to the Italian situation. ...

Fame Festival. Without the institutions, as against.

A Studio Cromie they are two, Angelo Milano and his dog. From there it all began, from a tiny studio that makes silkscreens in Grottaglie, Apulia. Fame Festival, now in its third edition, comes when Angelo invites artists who know to act visibly on the walls of his town, without seeking any permission. If at first believed to be allowed to rest, even economically, to the City, soon realizes that such funding would be unacceptable for him to compromise.
Using funds administration, for example, could ask "his" artists to express the horror of the landfill capacity for hazardous waste "in town" by one of the past administrations Today, however, many of the works, colorful and brilliant on the walls of Grottaglie, I'm really against "her."
And if the first edition was an experiment, now the Festival, with its family organization (artists from the grandmother of Angelo sleep and eat at the home of his mother) is going to booming: abroad everyone knows, it takes many pages in major publications (Beyond Streets, ed. Gestalten), and besides known as Blue Italian and Ericailcane, arrive in Grottaglie also international stars such as Jr (France), Os Gemeos (Brazil), David Ellis (USA). The festival is entirely self-produced, thanks to the works left by artists that he has been able to sell well, earning. And if at first the paintings were illegal opposed by people of the country, today many call a "mural" for their property.

to read the whole article

to see one of the works that speak of the landfill

30 Oct 2010


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